
How can i throw a baseball faster?

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How can i throw a baseball faster?




  1. Work out and practice hard.

  2. Leg strength is key. Your base is where you get your push and power from as a pitcher. Arm strength is good but not in bulk. Using strength bands is best because if you do heavy lifting you're tearing down the muscles you use to pitch and that can cause to serious injuries in the future. Long toss will also help in strengthing your arm. The most important key is your legs.

  3. I would definitly reccomemd these im 12 i went from 60 - 65

  4. yeah, arm and leg strength. But keep in mind, it's not how fast you throw. A hitter's key is timing and a pitcher's job is to upset that timing, so more important then a 99 mph fastball is the ability to change speeds. Look at greg maddux, who has what, about an 85 mph fastball? or jamie moyer, with about a 78 mph fastball--they get hitters out with guile and cunning and upsetting the hitters' timing. And control, they both have great control, too.

  5. Yes, it is called flexibility and mechanics. Now before you look away from this let me explain. I can bet good money that you are not as flexible as a gymnast so until you are you have not done your job on making yourself flexible.

    Now for mechanics, you have to video tape your throwing mechanics and learn where you are making errors in the throwing motion. Your body should be delivering the ball, not your arm. You can do the Jaeger Band workout routine until the cows come home, but if you do not have good throwing mechanics then nothing is going to change.

    Video tape and learn and improve on one thing at a time and you will see results. Take a look at how Major League ballplayers field whatever position is it you play and take the quality basics of their mechanics and apply it to how you throw the baseball.

    I have created a website service that is adding information daily about baseball and techniques and best practices. I suggest you take a look at it and feel free to email me with any questions at This is a professional service that I provide for the public so that we can educate kids just like you who are trying to pursure their dreams. Good luck and hope to hear from you.

    - The Professor

  6. throw it with more foce! :D

  7. Make sure you are using your legs when you throw. Leg strength is greatly underrated in producing more velocity.

  8. increase your leg strength. it is very very important in throwing for a high velocity.

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