
How can i throw farther??

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im 13 im a middle school QB... i can throw 47 yards how can i throw farther




  1. Try doing some Pretzels and other hand streching excersises, for like 3 monutes then 20 arm curls 5 sets, start with 15LBS. for 1 whole weeks staright then move to 20 then 2 weeks later to 25.

  2. First of all 47 yards for a 13 year old is pretty good but if you want to increase how far you can throw there's workouts for that but you can buy a football called a balloon ball or something like that and it weighs a bit more so when you throw a normal football it feels lighter and your able to throw bombs in no time. good luck

  3. practice for your precision.

    Do a exercise program and work on your biceps, triceps and your shoulder muscles for your throwing ability

    work on your leg muscles for your balance and scrambling ability.

    BTW... 47 yds is pretty good for a 13 year old...

  4. LIft weights and get stronger

  5. everytime you throw , throw it using your wrist alot bend it and throw of you back foot for long passes

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