
How can i throw punches from weird angles?

by  |  earlier

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explain in detail a "weird" punch that i can add to my arsenal please..




  1. Watch Hamed and Witter fights.  Those guys throw from very weird angles.

  2. Looping punches...

    Also, extensive shots with one arm for confusion. For instance, the generic combination is switching from left to right, left to right, left to right..or right to left etc etc..

    Try using your lead hand 3 - 6 times. For instance. Jab Jab Jab, Left Hook, Left Hook then follow up with a Straight right to whatever is open. Head/Body.

    You won't generate many devastating hits with one arm, but you will connect with punches, and over the coarse of time, they take their toll.

  3. Find a corner in your room or dojo (if your get there early)and:

    1.position  yourself diagonally to the corner in a left back leaning stance  with your rear left arm's elbow tucked into corner in guard position.

    2. have some one execute a left hand punch at you in this awkward position.

    3.from  your right hand  guard block the punch and counter with a left straight punch turning waist and shifting weight to right foot into a front stance.

    That's the weirdest angle i could think of. Some times In fights Whither in the streets or ring You will be up against a corner of the rings ropes or up against a wall corner outside the ring and you must be able to fight your way out from every angle, with strikes and  skillful moves.

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