
How can i toughen up myself?

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You can say I'm a whimp. I've been been into alot of fights but i'm usually "the girl who starts to cry and chciken out". At my school alot of kids see fights as a source of entertainment. They use me to be as bait becuase they know I will lose so get scared. My recent one was they made a rumor i was saying mean things about the bully girl (which i dont even know her) so she can yell at me and of course make me cry. How can i toughen up so people wont use me?




  1. Boxing and Karate are nice tools, but thats not your issue. Sounds like you may have self-esteem issues. That comes from within. You have to know what is acceptable and not acceptable treatment. Whether you can fight or not, its a matter of self-respect. you have to respect yourself enough not to accept this treatment from others. So no need to toughen up, just STAND UP for yourself.

  2. Take a kickboxing class and it will boost your self esteem. And, it will also give you the skills to kick a** if needed. :)

  3. Shave your head.

  4. stand up for your self! don't take thing so personally! you know what they want so just look at the bully and just say !  I didn't say that sorry other people like to feed you lies!

    but if you want to fit shut up and lets fight!  i'll get my butt kicked and you can just skipp away!

    if you admit your weak your a step ahead of them all ready!

    kep in mind it's harder to hit someone with a smile! so smile!  and jsut say if you don't mind i have things i that need my attention!  are we done here?

    that way your not adding fuel to the fire!

    once your done go to the bathroom or hide somewhere and CRY YOUR HEART OUT!  just act like it don't bother you!

    acting is hard but you can do it!

    good luck

  5. just try to stay out of fights.

  6. Get in to boxing or Karate and just rememeber b4 you get into a fight you wont feel anything just jump in a kick some ***

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