
How can i trace my ancestory to my native american roots?

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i know im half black and black foot (a native american tribe)

how can i track it down for free online




  1. Good luck. I have been trying to trace the native branch of my tree and even though my Grandmother on my Mom's side is native i am finding it to be extremely difficult. I get to the point where my ancestor has taken a white last name and thats as far back as i can find. There were a lot of Native children taken from their tribes and homes and given forced white christian names. Such is the story in my family. Makes it very hard to trace any further back.

  2. Free and online is a big order. A lot of work has been done recently in black and native american genealogy.

    You're best source is the community.  A lot of people post on their message boards.  Try their catagory Native American-Black Foot, there is a post there from a person who has done Black Foot genealogy.

    Be sure to post your family tree once you find them so others can benefit from your research.

    The website also has information about finding native american ancestors. If you can get to a family history center, housed at an LDS church, they can also help. They have free internet access to and can also order microfilms dealing with various places and people.

    Like all genealogy, start with what you know and with any stories you may have heard. The stories might only have a bit of truth but it's a possiblity. Begin with all the basics (birth date, place, etc) starting with yourself. Talk with any "old" people in your family NOW. They have a way of dying before we think to ask them all the questions we need to unravel our heritage. Interview not only your direct ancestors, grandmother, etc. but aunts, cousins, etc. More that once I've found my direct line through a relative with an unusual name.

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