
How can i train a 2month old puppy to p**p outside and not in the house??

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I have a two month old female puppy and i would like to keep her inside our home but i dont know how i can train her to go outside to do her necessaties. But traditionally, without buying electronic devices or anything like that. I would also like to know how i can keep her from going to my neighbors' homes when she hears them outside. How often can i bathe her?




  1. With my dog, I would tell her no when she did it and then immediately took her to the door. I would take her paw and make her scratch at the door and I would make barking noises.  I know it sounds crazy, but it worked.  You have to be patient though. I also started to notice her body language for when she was about to go and would take her out before she used the bathroom inside.  


  3. First Off, DO NOT stick thier nose in their mess, it does not work, and it just makes your dog be afraid of you. Bathe her when she needs it. Always walk her on a leash, dont just let her roam, or she will just go to your neighboors house.

    Below are House Training, and Crate Training Tips.

    Crate Training


    Try locking her in a kennel or crate, or "doggie safe area" for a few minutes, while you go do something. Make sure to do the "Crate Process every time she goes in her crate.

    "Crate Process"

    1. Put Dog in kennel, crate or "doggie safe area"

    2. Give treats and a toy

    3. Leave

    4. When you come back, give her lots of praise, and treats. (Also, use the clicker if you are clicker training)

    Leave her out, of her kennel "doggie safe area"or crate for an hour, then put her in for 30 minutes, Repeating the "Crate Process.(steps 1-3)" Then again, when you come back do step 4.

    Repeat slowly extending the time, and make sure you leave time between kennel times, to spend with your puppy. Never expect your puppy to stay in his kennel longer than the age he is in months plus one. (example, if your puppy is 5 months old, only leave it in there for 6 hours. No dog/puppy should stay in it's kennel longer than 7-8 hours.

    This is what i mean by "doggie safe area".

    If you are going to be gone longer than a few hours, either have a dog sitter come to your house mid-day to walk him, or block off your bathroom, kitchen, hall, or other place with tile or wood floors for her to stay in while you are away. Leave food, water, toys, his kennel or crate, and puppy pads or newspapers(unless you want potty on the floor)

    Let the puppy sleep in his/her crate at night, unless you want an adult large dog sleeping in your bed at night. Even if your dog whimpers in the crate, just ignore her/him until he stops. Do not remove the puppy from the crate when he whimpers, or he will learn that this is how to get out.

    I Really Hope this helped.

    House Training


    First and foremost, do not make the dog smell his mess, strike him or lock him ouside. This will just confuse the pup, and it might be afraid of you.

    I have just got a puppy recently. The way I trained him was crate training. Here's a few tips on crate training and house training:

    1.Try to teach them that their crate is a good place. Reward them when you place them in the crate. This is teaching them, that a treat comes with good crate behavior. Always keep your dog in the crate, unless you can keep a good eye on him.

    2. Another option, if you do not want to place your dog in the kennel all of the time, hook his leash to your belt loop, this way he can not go off and use the restroom somewhere, and you don't know about it.

    3.Always take him outside after;

    + rough play

    +after he eats or drinks

    +after being let out of his crate

    + after he wakes up after a night

    + or if he shows signs of having to use the restroom,(below are those signs)


    *staring at you


    4.Don't ever hit your dog, or rub his nose in his mess. This will just teach the dog to be afraid of you.

    5.Don't feed him or give him to much water, before you plan to put him in his cage.

    6.Don't expect your dog to hold it's restroom, more than the age of the dog in months, plus one. But no dog should have to hold it's bladder more than a 7-8 hours.

    7.Be patient!! That is the key, to housetraining. Of course if you get too overwelmed, you can always buy a book, or ask a professional trainer!

    8.Always, when he goes to the bathroom ouside, give lots of praise and treats!!

    9. If you expect your puppy to go outside, and dont use puppy pads when he gets older, starting out with puppy pads, is not a good idea, because this trains them that it's ok to go inside, and then before they know it, they cant, it is to confusing for them.

    10. Make sure to have a schedule, Good Luck!

    Please if you think I'm the best answer, please put me as best answer!! I really appreciate it!! Thanks!

  4. Do NOT follow Heather B's advice. Your dog should never be punished for pooping or peeing after the fact. They don't understand why you are mad just that you are, and will probably try to hide their potty next time or even do it in fear. If she pauses in play, sniffs around, disappears suddenly, etc. you should know she has to go. Also dogs need to go in the morning at night, after meals, after a nap, and after chewing on a toy. Make sure to routinely take her out and have her go in a designated spot so she can learn where to go. Praise her while she is going and even treat her if necessary. Good luck.  

  5. You really have to pay attention to your dog's body language, dogs are predictable and you can often tell when they need to go out. They'll sniff around or do circles, and as soon as you see that jump up, clap, startle the dog and say something like "Need to go outside?" And then bring the dog to the door and then outside. When they are out you can use a command word like "go pee" or "hurry up" as the dog is going, and praise the dog to high heaven AS the dog is going. Also make sure to take the dog out as often as you can. Every hour or two. It will soon learn that you will be taking it out soon, and therefore can learn to hold it just a little longer. They will also soon learn to head for the door to tell you that they need out.

    Never rub your dogs nose in it's business! Seconds after they've done something wrong, they wont understand the correction. If the dog pees or poops in your house under your supervision, it was your fault, not hers.

    I bath my dog once a week with a good quality shampoo depending on how dirty he is.

    Is your yard fenced? If not you will have to keep your dog on a long leash so she doesn't go into other people's yards. This will protect your dog, your neighbours, and yourself if your dog ever gets out of control.

    Praise is the biggest key here though! Always praise when she does something you want her to do!

    Hope this helps!

  6. Well it depends on your dog. It took my Finnish Spitz about year to be fully house broken. But my new pit bull puppy is only 2 months and from the 4 days I have had him he knows out side is the place to "go".

    I would not recommend spanking or rubbing the nose in it. This only punishes the dog and makes them thing going is bad. My dad used this method and it took my dog FOREVER to learn.

    You should try taking it out and not letting it back in until it has went to the bathroom. It will start to notice that in order to get back in it needs to go.

    Crate training is also effective. Place the dog into a crate soon after it has eaten. Within 5 to 20 minutes take it outside. Dogs don't like to be around their own p**p so it will not go until you let it out.

    Also about bathing. I bathe my dog every 2 weeks or so because she stays in the house. Use a shampoo that has a conditioner in it so the skin will not dry out.

    If she runs to your neighbors house when she hears them all I can recommend is getting a long leash, chain, or rope, and hooking her to it. When your neighbors make noise and she tries to run correct her by pulling on it to break her attention.

  7. you just catch her going in the house and rub her nose in it or show her and spank her butt and then stick her outside right away and she should learn to go out side might take a little time but that is how I taught my dog. just call her about the neighbors and tell her no stay here. you should bathe your dog when they really need it. they dont need baths that often but sometimes or if there really dirty. I used to bathe my dog maybe every couple months or so, it just depends on the owner i guess.

  8. First of all dogs roam. If you can't be bothered to fence in your garden you should not have bought a dog, simple as that. Obviously your  common sense took a leave of absence.

    Train your pupy with this method, it worked for all of mine.

    I have never bothered with training pads. Take your dog into the garden every 30-60 min.

    Use a designated toilet area in your garden and let your puppy walk and sniff around the area. Keep it clean to ensure that he will not go somewhere else in the garden that is cleaner. By selecting a specific area, you are helping your puppy understand what you want from him when he is taken to that spot and it will be easier to keep clean.

    Every time she goes for a pee say "good girl nice pee (or whatever words you want to use) and give her a tiny tasty treat. Same with poo. These guys obviously don't know that we don't want them to do their busy in the house, there for we have to teach them. Be prepared they cannot hold their pee/poo for long so will have problems during the night. Their bladders are just so small. (Just like human babies).

    You should always try to take your puppy out at the following times:

    • Immediately after the puppy wakes up

    • First thing in the morning

    • Last thing at night

    • A few minutes after eating or drinking

    • After playing

    • After any excitement (e.g. after visitors greet your puppy).

    Sometimes dogs (adult dogs too) need to run around a bit to get the "systems" going.

    What signs should I look for?

    If you see your puppy sniffing around the ground, crouching down about to go to the toilet or actually going to the toilet inside the house, quickly get his attention by clapping, calling him excitedly and running to the door so that he will follow you out. If he is actually going to the toilet you may need to shout something extravagant to get his attention and stop him in his tracks (e.g. something silly like 'sausages!!!' will help as it is not personal or aggressive). Make sure the shout does not scare him as this will make him nervous and more prone to toileting in the wrong place. The purpose of the shout is to alert him. By doing so, he will shut his bowels and hold it whilst you walk him outside. It is best that he makes his own way out the door rather than carrying him out, as this will help him learn that he actually needs to make his own way to the door when he needs to go to the toilet.

    What if my puppy makes mistakes?

    You will need to clean the area thoroughly to get rid of smells. Note that household cleaners do not get rid of all the proteins that we cannot smell. Do not use any cleaner with ammonia or bleach, as it will smell similar to the ammonia in urine and the puppy will identify it as a toilet area.

    How long should it take to housetrain my puppy?

    Like all young animals, puppies do not have full control of their bodies. Depending on the individual puppy, the breed and how much effort you put in the training, it may take up to 8 months to have a completely housetrained dog. Accidents will probably happen at night since the puppy may not be able to hold it in for many hours at a time initially. However do not despair; as long as the puppy is consistently going outside during the day he will soon learn that toileting means going outside when he has better control of his body.

    You can also have your puppy in his crate in your room initially so that you can listen for the signs. If your puppy cries during the night pay attention to him and take him outside immediately. Do not fuss him or play with him, just go outside with him for a few minutes until he eliminates, praise him and then calmly and quietly take him back to sleep in his crate. This way the puppy doesn't think that three o'clock in the morning is a good time to play.


    Remember prevention is the key to successful housetraining. Take things slowly, have consistency and keep a routine. Be fair and kind to the young life endowed into your care. You will soon be enjoying happy, mess-free days with your best friend.

  9. take the puppy out numerous time during the day.  reward her with treats when she does her business outside and if and only if you 'catch' her doing it indoors a loud clap or shout will eventually stop her from continuing and hurry her outside to finish.  

    keep her on a leash

    bathe her every six weeks for a while of if really really dirty as needed

  10. bath her 1 a week or every other weekput up a fence if u want to keep her from going with your neighboors and watch her usually after a dog eats it goes to the bathroom so feed her then take her outside after a while shell get use to that routine then shell start alerting you that she wants to go to the bathroom

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