
How can i train my cockatiel to talk or whistle?

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i wanna train him




  1. I have two of them both since they were 6 weeks old

    You have to say the thing you want them to learn over and over to them slowly so they can hear exactly how its pronounced

    do this everyday, it may take a few months.........depends on the bird but the bird will learn it if they hear it often

    to the previous anwer above mine,

    cockatiels can talk, and are meant to if you take the time and patience with them

  2. Cockatiels are'nt meant to talk. I used to have one. They are meant to whistle when they want to.

  3. Yes cockatiels can talk and whislte but it is much easier to get them to wistle then talk.. you have to spen LOTS of time with then and only us eone word to sart with.. example " HELLO " and same with whistling.. i taought my bird to whistle a few thigns and it took lots of time and work. dont give up you can do it

  4. Well I have two. They don't talk (even though I'm sure you could teach them to), but one whistles all day. Just whistle whenever your in the same room with them, or playing with them. Eventually, they might try to copy your sounds. =] Mine get really noisey if I put them outside and they can hear the wild birds.

    If you want to get them to talk, repeat yourself a lot. They might mimic you. Cockatiels aren't the best brids for talking, but some do.(But I've been told only the males can talk, and females can't.)

    Good luck

  5. Try say a simple word around 100 times, it will either stare at you or remotely try and say the word. Do not bother to got over 700 times as it means they really aren't going to speak. Reward the bird if it does make any similar vocalisations. You could try saying the same word such as hello as soon as you see him or bye when you are about to leave.

  6. Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition....

    yeah.. you get my drift.

  7. i don't think cockatiel can talk, but it can whistle. i think u may need to give it more attention by saying something to it.

  8. Stand by his cage whistling the same tune over and over for 10 minutes 3-5 times a day.

    OR when you go out, record your voice saying "hello!" or whatever it is you want him to say. And play it on repeat for him to listen to all day and he should pick it up in less then a week.

    Also note that birds tend to learn faster from a females voice, because they are higher.

    Its easy, just takes alot of repetition!

  9. HOPEFULLY HE/SHE IS AT LEAST FINGER TRAINED AND HAS HAD TIME TO GET USE TO THE SURROUNDINGS (don't know if you just got it ...had it awhile etc....]

    You can start by just saying hello as you walk by the cage or whenever it is out of the cage. Just keep repeating the word and in no time you will hear it practicing on it's own AND suddenly one day you will hear it say 'hello'- after the first word then start on a two word phrase like pretty bird'.

    The main training tip is too repeat....repeat...repeat.

    Whistling is the same fashion......

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