
How can i transform an alternating current to direct current ?

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How can i transform an alternating current to direct current ?




  1. Simply use a recitifier..  

  2. you just need a rectifier...

    reffer to...

  3. Go to a Radio Shack and buy a transformer that changes the input current which would be normally 120 vollts into a DC current. You can get a wide range of transformers that change AC into DC. You have to know what the input and what you want as a DC output voltage. I use several in my home as a  motion detector, signal device and camera hooked up to a camera that lets me know when I have a guest or guests outside my home and a Protection device when I am away from my home.  AC to DC Transformer changes input Ac into output DC current.

  4. A transformer is used to isolate or change voltage levels of AC. A transformer produces an AC output and needs one or two diodes at a minimum to create DC.  Combined with a simple filter these are commonly known as DC power adapters (wall warts) . The combined circuit would then be a DC power supply.  These are available at Radio ShacK

    Alternating current can be transformed into direct current by the use of one or more diodes.  The circuit that performs this conversion is called a rectifier and has two versions.

    1. Half wave rectifier - passes 1/2 of the AC wave and blocks the other half.  This is the simplest rectifier as only a single diode in series with the AC power is required.

    2.) Full wave rectifier - uses more components  and is a little more difficult to build.  A full wave rectifier uses both halves of the AC wave. It flips one half of the AC wave and combines it with the other half.  The advantage is that the resulting DC has less ripple (smother). Fullwave rectifiers can use four diodes (bridge rectifier) or two diodes in combination with a center tapped transformer.

    Direct current is defined as current that flows in a single direction. The output of a rectifier will still have variations that resemble those of the AC input. You will then need to use a filter capacitor to finish smoothing out the remaining pulsations and variations.

    See the link

  5. Mechanically you could have an AC motor power a DC alternator or generator.

    Realistically you can run the AC into a group of diodes that form a rectifier.  This gives you a fluctuation DC voltage that is then filtered through a capacitor to be DC.  See source for the basic circuit diagram.  - That is the engineering answer.

    The consumer answer would be to buy a wall wart that will take the AC input and has the proper connector, voltage and current on the output for the device you wish to power.

  6. Here are the basics:

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