
How can i travel to Sydney(Australia) for work there?

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I want to work and live there for some years and i need an can i get a visa to work there?




  1. Australia has a very strict immigration program. To apply as an Independent Skilled Worker, you must demonstrate that you have the appropriate language skills, education, experience, age, etc. You get points for each one of the categories mentioned above and if you meet the current threshold of 120 points you can be approved for an immigrant visa. In addition you must meet health requirements and pass a background check.

    The process takes about a year and it costs about $4,000 all said and done.

    The following link provides all the information you need. Good luck!

  2. Visas to live and work in Australia are extremely difficult to get. They are restricted to people with skills and experience in listed occupations in which workers are in short supply here. If your occupation is not listed as required, you will not be granted a visa even if you can find a sponsor or have a job offer in hand. If your job is listed on the Skilled Occupations List (SOL), you must have your qualifications recognised in Australia; you must pass a points test; and you must meet health and character requirements.

    For all information see the following web pages: (listed occupations and skills recognition) (points test) (health) (character)

    Processing of skilled worker applications takes around 12 months.

    For all other information, see:

  3. I'm Aussie. Call your countries Australian Embassy and go from there. Australia likes to give visas for a "trade" ... So if you have a profession you'll be ok, unless you have a criminal record. lol

    Or marry an Aussie.

  4. i am a welder and masonry  

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