
How can i treat a smelly kitchen drain?

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How can i treat a smelly kitchen drain?




  1. mix bleach and vinegar and pour it down the drain

  2. Start with bleach then next day vinegar

  3. Try a product called Plink for garbage disposals.

  4. Just throw a 1/2 cup of vinagar down the drain before you go to bed tonight in the morning just run your tap water for a few seconds. If it continues take the curvey part off and dump it out. It will stink to high heaven :) but at least you will be done with it. don't forget to clean it out and PUT IT BACK ON! lol :)

  5. Pour some coarse salt on the drain(both sides if you have 2 drains) and wait for 5 to 10 minutes. Then add several table spoons of baking soda to each drain and wait for 10 more minutes. Add 2-3 table spoons of lemon juice to each drain and wait for few more minutes. After all this rinse out the drains with very hot water and the smell should vanish off.

  6. Tip a load of bleach down it,Last thing at night,

  7. The best thing I found is 20 Mule Team Borax!  This stuff has multiple uses.  It's cheap and effective!!

  8. Easy Peasey baby!  Take a cup of white vinegar and a cup of baking soda.  Pour the baking soda into the drain and then slowly pour the vinegar into the drain.  It will foam up, keep pouring.  Let it sit over night and rinse.  Stink should be gone!  If you have a stinking disposal drain, try grinding up some lemon or lime peels in the disposal and rinse.  You can also do the baking soda and vinegar on it too.  Hope this helps you!  Good luck!

  9. If it is an outside drain, then it has a water trap built in, and the smell is caused by the rubbish that gets washed into the drain after washing up.

    The only way to get rid of it, is to wrap a black bin bag around your arm and get the rubbish out by hand, then flush with clean water.

  10. I use washing soda when ever I have this problem. Pour about half a packet down followed by a kettle full of boiling water and it usually does the trick. Also better for the environment than the bleach option!

  11. White vinnegar. Leave it overnight. It always worked whenever I tried.

  12. you can buy this special drain stuff. but if not try bleach down it

  13. I have a 2nd set of plastic drain pipes. When they get very dirty I just exchange them. The old ones are taken apart (Push fit joins) and easy to clean. As it is some time before they are refitted they dry out and become sterile without chemicals

  14. Washing soda and boiling hot water

  15. Vinegar

  16. Don't mix bleach and vinegar as some idiot suggested. You get very nasty chlorine gas produced when this is done.

    I use Jeyes Fluid. It is very concentrated and very effective. Available at most supermarkets.

  17. vinegar works well let set overnight, fill sink and let drain. if you have a disposal put a cut up lemon in and turn on. baking soda to clean the sink helps to.

  18. messy job, but if boiling water and bleach dont do it, then undo the U-bend under the sink and clean it out - organic material gets trapped there and rots... its minging!!!

    if you have a washing machine plumbed into check the outflow pipes to that aswell, as they become clogged with some vile stuff...

    Also you can buy special strong drain cleaners from most DIY stores - check those out... if this doesnt do anything then you may have problems with the drain itself and it might need rodding and blasting... call dyno rod or such like for a chat and quote... they are helpfull...

  19. pour bleach/disinfectant directly down the hole wait half an hour then run boiling water down the hole

  20. Put a handful of washing soda (not baking soda) in the plughole last thing, then pour a kettle of boiling water down first thing. That will take out a lot of the grease that's probably holding onto the muck.

    Do this a few nights running.

    If it's no better after a few repeats, open the doors and windows and put down a handful of baking soda, a handful of salt and a cup of spirit vinegar. Add the hot water very quickly - wear goggles, don't inhale, get out quick, it releases some NASTY FUMES, so stay away from the outside drain!

    If alll else fails, unscrew the U-bend from the waste pipe, take it outside and scrub it out with an old toothbrush or summat like it. Suggest you google how to unscrew it safely if you've never done it before. Use bowl or bucket to clean it in.

    DON'T EVER turn the taps on when the waste-pipe is in pieces. Sorry, but people do :-}

    These old recipes are less damaging to the environment than commercial products, but can STILL be HAZARDOUS!

  21. Stop peeing in the sink.

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