
How can i treat my ankle... its swollen?

by Guest45344  |  earlier

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I have a swollen ankle and i don't know why... I think it may be because of tennis and i have a game in a few days... i also have to go up stairs for everything... we also don't have crutches so that wont help... and both of mii ankles are swollen but mii right is a lot worse than mii left... any advice?




  1. Elevate your feet for the next 2-3 days as much as possible. Apply ice packs to the foot for 20/30 minutes every 2-3 hrs.Wrap your foot with a compression bandage as long as it is swollen or tender. If you have pain or tenderness in foot, skip the next tennis game, you could seriously injure your foot. You do not state whether you have pain or just swelling. Advice would be to see your dr. if no improvement within the next week.

  2. Don't just put an ice pack on it, put the whole foot into a bucket of ice water, that way you immerse it.

  3. Try to rest your ankle and try to not walk on it as often. Then remember to compress it w/ Ace wrap and ice it w/ an ice pack. Also, when you're sitting down or sleeping, elevate your ankle by resting it on top of something, such as a pillow. That way, the blood will flow away from your ankles and it will be less swollen.

  4. my brother has had this exsact same thing once i sudjece you should get a cold bad of ice lots of ice and get a tal and put the bag of ice on it but no to heavy or ust get a tal and just put 3 or 2 ice tubes on your ankle

  5. Put ice on it!

  6. ice it, keep it elevated and keep resting it. wrap it in a ankle brace or a wrap. you probably sprained it. hope this helped  

  7. Put your feet up and place ice on them for 20 mins. go up the stairs and down the stairs on your butt. Try to keep your feet up for the rest of the night. If ice and feet up does not take the swollen down then go to the ER and ket x-ray you might have broken something. Ice and feet leave for the night Ice every hour 20 mins on and off and see if it will help

  8. ice it!!!

  9. Take some some Advil every 4 or 5 hrs put ice packs on as often as you can put your legs up  

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