
How can i trust my clients?

by  |  earlier

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I recently opened a house cleaning business. and sometimes i feel like i can't trust my clients. I feel that they going to do something to me maybe because i am pranoid. or maybe because they are single old man. just doesn't give me a good feeling. i don't know what to do with this? when i go do my estimates i have my husband go with me and wait for me in the car. but how can i trust these kind of customers ,you see all these horror things happening all over the world. any suggestions please. maybe my phobia is driving customers away. thank you




  1. Ah stop doing meth?

  2. if they greet you with a video

  3. Don't trust any people unless you can verify.

  4. I think your question is legitimate.  Have your husband drive you around or come up with another line of business.

  5. If your husband is already driving you to the estimates, why don't you have him come in with you.  You can act as though  the business is husband/wife owned.  This way they know that there is someone looking out for you.  It will also discourage any weirdos from wanting to higher you.  

    When you go to these meetings, watch the reaction of the men as they open the door.  If they act a little weird, as though they were not expecting a man, this will be a warning.  Having you husband there to assess the reactions and aura of the men will also give you an extra set of eyes in case you fear your judgement may be off.

    Have you business answering machine message be the voice of a male, if possible.  Your business cards and advertising should say "we" to create the illusion that the business is bigger than one person.  When you book an appointment, mention your husband whenever the client wants to small talk.  Or mention your family members, friends, or other appointments that may be waiting for you.  Always appear that you are surrounded by people who worry and care about you; basically that if you went missing or were hurt, you are not alone.  

    You may also try to do the work when they are not home.  Sometimes clients will give a key to the housekeeper once they have established a good rapport.  Doing a google search on their name is not a bad idea these days.  When you go to the meeting, try to find out little tidbits of information about them such as their job, family situation, just stuff you can get out of them casually.  This will help you to guage their lifestyle and scan for redflags.

    You might also reconsider your advertising.  Why are all the clients old men?  Unless you are running a kinky maid service, you might want to expand your advertising to target single mothers and family neighborhoods.  If this IS a kinky maid service, then your paranoia is perfectly justified.  Unfortunately, the weirdo factor will be high in this case.

    Bottom line: listen to yourself.  If you really feel uncomfortble, don't put yourself in a bad position.  Doesn't hurt to carry a little pepper spray, too!

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