
How can i turn hatred/rage into something more useful

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ty all for kind useful answers

marcel I drop dead




  1. As far as I am concern, you have started to handle your anger by recognizing that this behavior is under your control.  Taking charge of your anger (I prefer to call what you describe anger) is not an easy task because one has to come to grips with our feelings and admit that we are not perfect nor have gifts of what ought to be.  However, perhaps you need to understand that the only person you have any control over is yourself.  Since you cannot change the circumstances, you need to be more understanding with your anger and treat it as your friend.  When you do this, the anger will not have an upper hand on how you behave.  Do not try to change your anger but rather treat it as a buddy whom you care for and it will diminish in time because you have made a conscious decision to deal with it as something that is a part of you and I might add, part of what makes us human. Oh, don't be hard on yourself for having these feelings just except them and love yourself for being a caring and forgiving person.

  2. The Bible says somewhere in the Old Testament, "rebuke your  brother frankly so that you will not hate him in your heart".  This is legitimate, and it works for me.  You can be assertive without being hostile.  I know it takes practice.  Don't take c**p from people.  Do, don't stew.  Give them a piece of your mind.  Immitate a teacher or other wise person when they handle people who have done wrong.  

  3. energy goes where attention flows

  4. become a pro wrestler.

  5. Become a lawyer.

  6. Hatred & rage are very negative, destructive emotions, which in turn have very negative, destructive consequences if not channeled in a positive, constructive, creative way.  What form this takes, only you can say.  I would recommend that you channel your rage into something you enjoy doing, something you have a passion for, e.g., writing, painting, physical exertion/exercise, etc.

    Better yet, if you find that you spend a great deal of time channeling your negative energy in a positive direction, you should strongly consider delving into the reasons for your rage, e.g., are you a perfectionist, do you expect too much from others, do you like yourself, do you enjoy life, are you a happy person or depressed, what is it about yourself and/or your life that needs to change in order for you not to be so angry?  Depression is anger/hatred turned inward.  What are you so depressed about?  Life is much too short, and you're much too young, to be constantly dealing with these negative emotions, which at some point will have dire effects on your psyche & physical being.

  7. Use your hatred as energy and do a sport you are interested in, example: Like to run? Run all that anger off. If sports aren't your thing then use throwing paint at a canvas to dissolve negative energy. It makes you feel better,and you end up with a work of art!

  8. Yes, ask yourself this question.  What did I do to cause this conflict on myself?  

  9. Working out, boxing, something to expel that energy, plus you get healthier.I wouldn't suggest writing  because writing fuled by rage never comes out well.Art could be good.

  10. Repent to God in his Son's Name Jesus Christ and Believe that Jesus died on the cross so sinners such as you and I could be forgiven, and rose in three days. That will take away all your hatred and rage and make you whole. Thankyou Jesus!

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