
How can i unplug my ear??!!?

by  |  earlier

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I was swimming yesterday and i dove down too deep and my ear popped and filled up with water. Does anyone know how to unplug it??




  1. blow dry it.

  2. there isnt a way to stop that if the water pressure is too deep.

    but to get it out..

    okay your going to look stupid doing it...

    but i swear it works..

    its what i do.

    hop down on one leg and tilt your head to the side.

    and just like jump up and down and jerk your head until your ear clears up.

    works almost every time.


  3. I've used peroxide diluted with water like in a dixie cup and a cotton ball.  Tilt head to side and drip it in.  It helps with wax buildup too.  Usually a 50/50 mix.  Good luck.  Otherwise, of course try the standard plug nose and blow or yawn a lot like for elevation changes to pop your ears.

  4. i Plug my nose and blow.

    or to get water out of my ear i put my pinky finger in my ear with my thumb pointing backwards and i push down and backwards and tilt my head

  5. My answer is going to sounds extremely retarded and you might not even consider my answer but still try it, and if it works, choose mine as the best answer.

    1. Fill your mouth with water. (I know it's weird)

    2. Tilt your head so that the side with the water is facing the floor.

    3. Stick your pinky finger in an out continously.

    4. Start slapping your other ear (the one that's fine). But not hard because you can hurt yourself.

    5. Do it till the water is gone!

    Tell me if it works!

    Good Luck! I hate getting water inside my ears!

    ♥ Nadia ♥

  6. That happens to me every time I swim.  Try snapping your head hard to the side, sometimes that shakes it out.  You can also set a blow dryer on cool and direct the air into the ear, or use one of those pointy Q-Tips that women use to apply cosmetics - they come in a clear plastic box have a cotton padded ends - kind of flat Q-Tip one one end and pointy on the other end.  Regular Q-Tips don't usually work.  Be careful with them though, you don't want to damage the eardrum.

    Edit:  Never thought of rubbing alcohol and peroxide - that's a great idea, it would dry it out and prevent ear infection.  I think that's the best idea.

  7. put your hands on your ears and push really hard and let go, if there is water in your ears mix 1/2 rubbing alcohol and 1/2 peroxide put a few drops in each ear and it will dry it out, actually you should do this after each time you swim...if that doesn't work you may have an ear infection or something else and you may have to visit the doctor and get drops.

  8. the best thing to do is go to like target or Walgreen's or wherever and just buy swimming ear drops. they are alcohol i think and it dries up the water that is plugged up in your ear!

    that's what i use and it helps alot! also prevents swimmers ear!

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