
How can i upload a file of 4MB size on the group files?

by  |  earlier

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i tried many times,but it took too much time then giving a page of cannot find server...i dunno is that due to the size or what is the reason exactly?




  1. Do you have a high-speed internet connection?  I had this problem once when I had just a dial-up connection.  The problem is that it is taking too long to upload the file, and it times out.  One way to solve this problem is to transfer the file to a computer with a high-speed connection to the internet (for example, with a flash drive), then upload it from that computer.  Another way is to break the file up into smaller pieces, pieces small enough to upload within two minutes on your internet connection.

  2. are you on dialup or dsl?  try downsizing it or split it up.. If it's a text file, copy it and then paste it in the text file..

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