
How can i use concealer on....

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a healing pimple that has scab ed over? I usually do foundation over it, then green concealer, then normal concealer, but it always looks cakey and very noticeable, not to mention that every single dry spot shows and it looks totally gross. How can i do it better?




  1. ive nevered had anything ilke that, but i think this MIGHT--i have no idea, wrk, but its worth a shot...

    mix 1 part foundation to 2 parts its kinda sheer-but not really

  2. I get this problem all of the time. I've tried everything. The number one thing is really just to leave it alone and not try to cover it's basically impossible to make it disappear with makeup. Usually, because of that icky cakey look, the blemish will look better and less noticeable if you just leave it be and use foundation only. But I have found that if it is really dark or more red than normal and you feel like you just have to try and cover it up, using a really light application of a yellow based concealer under your foundation will help. I've also found it's easier to somewhat cover if the concealer is thinner or more fluid-like rather than a cream or stick.

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