
How can i use dial up internet without loosing the phone lineservice?

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How can i use dial up internet without loosing the phone lineservice?




  1. you cant the only way to make and receive calls is to get broadband dont be a cheap skate get yourself into the 21st century c'mon what you waiting for

  2. When I used dial-up service, I ordered 'Call Forwarding' from the phone company. That way, all my calls would come to my cell phone while I was surfing the net.!! (Or you could order 'Busy Call Forwarding'.)

  3. Try using Call Wave. I used it for years until I got cable. It works great. It lets you know the minute you receive a phone call, to include the name of the caller. It sends message to your screen

  4. You'll need a second line.  Even a splitter won't work.  A dial-up line can only connect two addresses.  Really old TVs worked the same way.  If you had two TVs, and you changed the channel on one, the other would change.  Then it moved up to watching different channels.  Then it was you can watch a movie or watch cable...Sorry to drag on a bit, but the theme here is that it's a cable.  It can handle many signals, a phone line can only handle two: in and out.

    P.S.  Splitters definitely do not work.  If you have 4 phones on the same line, you all talk to each other don't you?  That's what splitting does.  It doesn't work the same as with cable.

  5. Hey you should try a program called phone tray dial-up.  You can download it and try it free for 30days.  After that you pay a one time fee of $15.95, instead of monthly.  The website is, but I've seen other sites offer it for $12.95.  I use it myself, and am happy with it.  Good Luck.

  6. A dial-up is a one-use system only. Either a phone line or the Internet. You can't have both running.

    However in a DSL line (always on) you can have both your Internet and IP phone line running simultaneously without getting disconnected.

  7. you just don't

    and dsl is the same price as dial up get dsl ...IT's WAY FASTER!

  8. i dont think its possible cause it uses a direct phone line to dial and connect, but check if a splitter works maybe but i dont think it will

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