
How can i use internet 4 free?

by  |  earlier

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i want 2 browse & download internet 4 free.At present,while browsing a little,it is going from my download limit(that is 1.2gb)?




  1. That's easy - get someone else to pay for it! That's what I do, my apartment installed free WiFi without increasing rent - but there's a limit to around 20kb/sec on downloads usually. Hmmm but sure, free is nice.

    You need to tell people where you live before you start askign stupid questions like that, there are HAwaiians, Indians, Thai's, Jamaicans - and one or two other flavours of people reading here. Every country is different.

  2. You're just mad! Using internet for free? There's no way to do that, and if there was, it would be illegal!

  3. u can download for free. but there's no way u can use internet for free

  4. Nothing will come FREE in the World Except Air and Water.Now a Days water is also Costing you.In Future we have to Purchase Oxygen too.Some Internet Providers are offering FREE during Night times.As per my Knowledge Internet is not Providing entire Free.!

  5. get wifi laptop, go around some mall , who is providing wireless internet

    you can download as much as u want

  6. Go to a hotspot.

  7. Dear you have to steel user name and password.

  8. If we have to pay for it, then you should have to pay for it.

  9. Hey man you have to pay for the internet service.If you want to download unlimited change the plan go for unlimited plan.But you have to pay for the service.

  10. ?????WOH!Buy one get one free

  11. go to ur frnd'shome who have internate ues it  over there

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