
How can i use mars in pisces in the 3rd in a postive manner?

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It is the focus of a tsquare and recieves only squares, no positive aspects.

Square ascendant / descendant, square saturn, square neptune, square jupiter and a wide square to the moon.




  1. Very easily - just use it.

  2. If you approach from a fluctuating angle with the actuator in acendance you could be on course for a spot of good fortune, provided the meridian is aligned to the twinkle and the dibbles are all in steffle.

  3. -by what you are doing right now (ie. arguing your point / belief in a very calm but energetic manner)  I bet people pay attention to you when you speak.  It sounds like you know a lot about Astrology already, so no need to go over what these things mean.  I think you want to know how you can apply it to everyday life for the best possible outcome.  So, what comes to mind is law, insurance, crisis management, the clergy - anything that requires a calm manner of expressing oneself to make a point and bring order out of chaos.

  4. how can a person with mars in GEMINI EVER



    i mean really.

  5. The 3rd house is the house of Writers!  I'll bet you could be a kick-a**ss writer!  'Specially with the Moon and Neptune involved, yessirree.

    Get to work! :-)

  6. You could take it as a sign to stop believing that the random alignments of astronomical bodies with respect to the earth, have anything to do with you personally.

    You are not that important.

    You will then have gained the positive outcome of the realisation that you are responsible for your own destiny.

    We live on a planet with over 6 000 000 000 other people. Most of us can't even grasp a number that big. Never mind being able to cope with the prospect of how insignificant that makes each one of us in terms of  life on earth alone.

    There are around 100 000 000 000 stars in our galaxy and around 100 000 000 000 galaxies in the known universe. If only 0.0001% of them had a planet populated like ours, there would still be over 6 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 people in the universe. You (and every one else) really don't matter at all on that scale

    I am sure you are just as important as everyone else.  It's just that none of us is significant on a cosmic scale, including  our individual destinies.

  7. Mars in the third is an excellent energiser in everyday life, but to get a full reading any good astrologer would need to see the whole chart.

    Pent-up aggression in a water sign can be very tough emotionally, so you need to look for positive outlets for all that energy.

    T-squares are also energising aspects, as long as you do not allow the energies to become blocked. Simply recognising the problems is a good first step.

    3rd house is short journeys and short communicationas ,as well as 'lower mind' stuff.

    Pisces is something of a problem, as Neptune squares Mars as well. It could signify the aggressive motorist who over-estimates their skills and abilities. On a discussion board for 'spiritual' subjects it might show arguments and aggressive responses.

    Still - get a good reading of the whole chart. Try Horoscopeschat on msn groups - its a free group manned by volunteers and no spamming or sales are involved.

  8. By analysing the irrational belief in horoscopes.

  9. In the 3rd house means you are more creative.!!!

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