
How can i use photoshop to virtually redecorate a room?

by  |  earlier

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I will be helping redecorate a house soon, but we first want to see how it would look with the colours / materials we have chosen.

Mainly i want to focus on the walls / floor. we currently have flowery wallpaper but will be changed to a plain colour.

i do have good photoshop skills, but am looking for tutorials / tips on how i can do this.





  1. If you can't imagine how the result would look, then I'd say you haven't got good photoshop skills either.

    What you want to do is just a waste of time, of course you could use photoshop if thats what you wanted, but i doubt you find any useful tutorials teaching you how to complete this task.

    You may as well go all the way, and re-create the whole house in 3d, which of cause would be even worse then the first suggestion.

    I would suggest you play around with the transform tools, but you may also want to scale the photos of the house, along with the photos/scannings of the textures you want to use. It may be required to re-create the textures from scratch, so that you can create seamless textures in a suitable size for you to work with.

    You may want to consider filling a layer with the new texture, and use the transformation tool to rotate/fit it to the wall, finally you should cut away any overlapping texture and apply a blur to the new layer, to get rid of the "hard" edges.

    Above can easily be done by applying a temporary transparency to the layer, and remove it once done.

  2. you will want to use the vanishing point tool.

    first make all the textures/colors in separate files than just paste them in once you have loaded a decent sketch in vanishing point.

    once pressing ok in vanishing point you will notice the texture in the right place on a layer above the original.

    then simply erase where furniture is and you change the wall color or surface of the floor then just CTRL+click on the paint layer to select it and fill it with different colors and you wont have to erase the second time

    ill be putting a couple vanishing point tutorials on my site in the next week so you can check them out as well

  3. Seeing as this will be changed to a plain color, I would use the selection tool to select the walls and do a command called Average, found under Filter >> Blur >> Average, what this does is add every single pixels RGB values and then takes the mean and fills in the selection.  This will make the walls a single color rather than the flower wallpaper.  Then you can either do a Hue/Saturation change (Ctrl+U) to change the color, or you can create a new layer, fill in the current selection with the color of choice, and then bring down the opacity.  This would be applied to all the walls.  As for the floor, if it's going to be a pattern, I would suggest taking the pattern, and tiling it across a new document, then merging all the layers together, and bring it back into the picture.  Then you can use the transform tool set on distort, and position it onto the floor, where you can proceed to either mask or erase the areas where the furniture would be.  I hope this helps.

    Josh A.

  4. youtube

    i didnt know how to do anything on photoshop so i watched 25+ hours of youtube tut's now im very good i even won some photoshop contests which helped a lot to improve my skills.. i have cs3 ext.

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