
How can i want to do good in shcool?

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How can i want to do good in shcool?




  1. That is something you're going to have to figure out on your own.  Although, we could all sit here and give you answers, until you really want it for yourself, you're not going to want it.  Think about why you might want to do good in school.  What rewards would there be?  How would people view you differently (in a good way)?  What personal goals could you reach by doing well in school?

    Also, think about all the other people who just slack off, or who don't ever even get the opportunity to go to school.  There is too much to learn in the world not to want to go out and learn it.

    Good luck!

  2. Visualize the rewards you'll get from doing well.

    Wealth, fame, power...

    All this can be yours!

  3. tell yourself you suck and tell your self that youre tired of being lower than everyone else. its a great motivator and it helped me.

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