
How can i work go to school and spend time with my kids?

by  |  earlier

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I am 21 and i just had my 3rd baby i am not with my babies daddy. i dropped out of high school but i want to continue with my education i also need to work to support i just dont know how to do it all.




  1. well hun sorry about your situation but you got yourself there and now you have to deal with it.  The best way to handle everything is get yourself on a schedule.  stick to it like clockwork.


  3. if you have some one in your family taking care of them like for 11 12 hour a day is ok but if they have to be in the day care for this long is not fair!!!!!!!!!! also you can take sat-sun classes of 2 a week!!!!!!! because well your kids need you and is not fair for them that they have to be with other people or you can quit your job and make the daddy pay child support or get goverment help good luck

  4. well there is night school you can work in the day  and have the whole afternoon with your children... just manage your time wisely

  5. Whew, you've got a full plate! Is there someone who would be willing to watch your children for you while you work and go to school? Could you live with your parents for awhile - would they be willing to help you get on your feet financially and get an education?

    One suggestion that I'll say as gently as I can - please don't have any more children right now. In fact, you've got such a full plate, I wouldn't even take  any time away from your children/education goals/work to date. Focus on bettering yourself and making a life for yourself and your children first!

  6. It is not a simple task but my solution is to write a schedule and stick to it.  Always schedule mommy time at the top of the list.  The future is brighter with the education you are seeking but if you do not organize yourself (thus the schedule) you and the kids are both going to miss out in the short term.

    Also, build a network of trusted associates to ease the cost of child care and talk to the social services department.  They are always looking for ways to save our welfare system so they will have some great ideas too.

  7. My sister just had a baby and she is not with the father. She lives with us and works for my dad. My mom watches the baby during the day. She'll start school this fall and is going for two years so she can be done faster. I'd advise you to get your education completed as soon as possible so that when your kids are older you won't be gone so much. You might consider living with a close friend or sister(one who doesn't mind the kid noise) and share the bills. That would be the cheaper living solution. Go to school in the mornings and work in the evenings (or vis versa). You can spend time with your kids at night and on the weekends. Good luck. Hope this helps.

  8. Night school or online school. I take one or two classes a semester and do fine.

  9. I encourage you to report Stormy for abuse. If you read the answers she gives to a lot of posters, you'll see that she is a very judgmental, nasty person. She should be thrown off this entire site for her inhumane treatment of others. As for your situation, could you move in with your parents? Anyone? Your babies need to be with you more than anything else. You can't do it all without them suffering. Can you do on-line courses while they're asleep? They need a lot of time with you to have happy lives. I wish you the best.

    It looks like Stormy's answer has been deleted. I reported her and I guess others did as well. If you didn't get a chance to read it, then be thankful. It was hurtful and disgusting. Oops, maybe it wasn't deleted. Well, hopefully it will be.

  10. You can't do it all. Seriously, you're going to have to make some serious choices. When my cousin was in your position, she swallowed her pride and went on welfare so that she could go to school full time and still support her daughter. Afterwards, she was able to get a good job and went off public assistance. I know that's not a popular choice, but you simply can't give your children adequate attention if you are working and going to school. You just can't.

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