
How can i work on my handle?

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I am 5''11'' going to 8th grade.. so im a center.. What can i do to get the handle of a point gaurd and fast??




  1. Dribble with your head up. Take a ball with you everywhere you go,. Even a tennis ball!

  2. if ur a center u real aint go be dribblin dat much ... but i like centers who and dribble makes them more versatile...

    u can start by just dribblin all da all da time then start doin cone drills like drillin to each cone and then makin a move like the cone is a defender and goin to the next cone and so  on... i mean move like cross over ... reverse pivot.. and so on... anyways then u sound try dribblin on rocks.. its hard but once u get on a court u should be a killer with the control on the ball. then just get some really good ballers to play wit u and u be the point gaurd .. i kno thats weird for a center but i will help u learn ways to handle the ball and what it takes to handle the ball.... then we u down there on the block and u start dribblin yo defender aint go kno what hit him.. lol.. good luck

  3. Run everyday,Squatt oh and PLAYOMETRICS. for handles roll the ball around u'r body

  4. squat, run every day and curl 20-30-40 lbs

  5. Its a lot to read, but if you really want to get better you well read it. Do each one about 30 to 60 seconds and then move to the next one. With all of these drills, try to keep your eyes forward, without looking at the ball.

    {These are some stationary drills.}

    Finger Grabs:

    Hold the ball with the fingertips, squeezing it while rotating it back and forth from hand to hand. The ball should not touch the palms of the hands.


    Pound or slap the ball hard from hand to hand without bouncing it on the ground.


    Tip the ball back and forth from one hand to the next, starting with your hands straight up over your head. Then gradually move the ball down, while continuing to tip it back and forth. Go down to your chest, then your waist, knees, and ankles, and then back up again. Keep your elbows straight.


    Put your feet together and make circles around both legs. Then circle around the back. And then circle around the head. Then combine them and move the ball in circles around your head, then down your body, down around your knees, and then around your ankles ("candy cane"). Then come back up again. Be sure to use your fingertips, not the palms.

    Around Each Leg and Figure Eights:

    Put one leg forward and move the ball in a circular motion around the leg. Then do the other leg. Finally, spread your legs out wide with the ball in front of you. Move the ball around through your legs in a figure-of-eight motion. Keep your eyes forward and don't let the ball hit the floor. After 30 seconds, reverse the direction.


    Put the ball between your feet and grab it with both hands. Start with the left hand behind your left leg and your right hand in front of your right leg. Drop the ball and let it bounce once. Quickly, move your left hand in front of your left leg and your right hand behind your right leg, and catch the ball as it bounces up. Drop it again and switch your hands back to the original position (left behind, right in front) and catch it. Repeat this motion continuously. For a more difficult variation, try catching the ball before it actually hits the floor!

    Toss Up and Catch Behind:

    Here's a fun drill the players like. Toss the ball up over your head. Reverse pivot and catch the ball behind your back.

    Crab Walk:

    Walk, bent over up the floor and put the ball between the legs, back and forth as you go. The ball is brought over the front of the thigh, then through the legs and then behind the opposite thigh and around and over the thigh.

    {Know we will get into some stationary drills that involve bouncing the ball. Do each of these drills for 30-60 seconds and move on so you can get through them rather quickly. Daily repetition will make the difference.}

    Up and Downs

    Start by dribbling the ball in front of you so that the ball reaches your waist high. Gradually, bounce the ball harder and harder until you are dribbling the ball as high as you can without jumping. Then gradually dribble the ball lower and lower until you are on one knee, finishing as close to the floor as possible. Pound the ball quickly to keep it going. Then do it with the other hand.


    Dribble the ball waist high, then suddenly "kill" it by dribbling it as low as you can, hold this for a few seconds, then bring it back up to waist high. Do this several times with each hand.

    Circle Dribbles

    This drill is similar to "Circles" except now the ball is dribbled. Dribble around your left leg then your right. Next, using both hands, dribble around both legs which should be together. Next, kneel down on one knee and dribble around your body and under your leg. After that, switch knees and continue. Then, while on your knees, dribble around your body, using both hands.

    Figure Eight

    This drill is similar to the ball-handling figure eights drill except now the ball is dribbled through your legs in a figure-of-eight motion. Use both hands and be sure to look up while doing this drill

    Back and Forth Under the Legs

    Get crouched over with your right knee and leg forward. V-dribble the ball behind the extended leg. Repeat behind the other leg

    Crossover Dribbles

    Dribble with your right hand. Bounce the ball once on the right side, then cross the ball over in front of you by bouncing it to the left. The left hand now bounces it on the left once, and then crossover back to the right, where the right takes over again. Repeat this procedure.

    V-Dribble in Front

    Start with the right hand and dribble once on the right side. Then dribble the ball in front you, as if you were going to cross over to the left side. Instead of getting it with your left hand, roll your right hand over the top of the ball, and bring it back to the right. Keep dribbling like this: right then cross over V-dribble. Repeat with the left hand.

    Side V-Dribble

    Now do the v-dribble on the side. Do both left and right hands.

    {Now we will get into more advanced drills.}

    Dribbling One-Ball.   Spider dribble.   Knees and waist bent, feet apart and have the ball directly between them in the middle. It is a "four bounce" rotation where the right hand dribbles in front of the leg, followed by the left hand in the front, followed by the right hand behind the leg, followed by the left hand behind the leg. To learn, just place the ball on the floor and go through the rotation without dribbling (just touch the ball).

    Dribbling One-Ball.   Windmill.   This drill is just the reverse of the "Butterfly". Bend at the waist and knees with feet wide apart. Bring the ball backward over the thigh and dribble it from behind through the legs and catch it in front with the opposite hand. Bring it over the top of the opposite thigh, behind the back and dribble it forward through the legs, catching it with the original hand. After you get the hang of it go as fast as you can!

    Dribbling One-Ball.   "Butterfly".   This is just the reverse of the "Windmill" drill. Bend at the waist and knees with feet wide apart. Using a "figure 8" type motion, bring the ball forward around the outside of the thigh and over, and then down through the legs, catching it behind with the opposite hand. Then bring it up around and over the opposite thigh and back down and through the legs to the original side. After you get the hang of it go as fast as you can!

    Dribbling One-Ball.   Shuffle.   Here's a good drill to help your "between the legs" dribble. Jump with one leg going forward and the other going backward, and then crossover dribble the ball through the legs.

    Well there you go. All of these drills will really help you out but you have to practice and put the work in to get better. Just go from the easiest to the hardest.

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