
How can i write a mortgage hardship letter need help???

by  |  earlier

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im about to lose my house.




  1. You need to expain to the bank your situation & what you can pay if anything.  They will work with you if you can make a payment of any amount.

    Cut out the internet, cable & all unnecessary spending.   Make your situiation as dire as possible when you write the letter but again you have to be able to pay something or they wil foreclose!!  Tell them you are gonna talk to an attorney (that will get you to the top ASAP, trust me!) my bFF works at a major lender in forclosure & she has heard it all!

  2. Basically, you need to tell them what went wrong, what you've done to fix the situation, and why it won't happen again.

    Short, sweet, and to the point.

    Frankly, the hardship letter is probably the least important part of the package.

    Here's my bigger concern for you:

    If you're struggling with the hardship letter, then what else are you missing...

    It's not your fault that you don't know how to do this... there's no class you can take for "How to Get Out of Foreclosure."

    But if you’re out here looking on a message board for help on this,

    How many other mistakes are you making...

    What are you doing now that you're going to regret later.

    There's a lot of (mis)information out there about how to deal with this,

    Like, you should call a housing counseling agency, and

    they'll "negotiate" with your lender.

    Here’s what I mean:

    It sounds to me like you're stepping into a bear trap, and you won't know what hit you until you wake up one morning to find yourself even worse off than you are now.

    This is serious business and I'd hate to see you lose it all because you thought you could "figure this out" by collecting a lot of cheap advice.

    If you think you'd be better off getting some help with this, click the blue link for my user name and send me an e-mail.

    Best of luck.

  3. You should consider cutting out unnecessary expenses to pay your mortgage... keeping your house should be your number one priority.  Off the top of my head I would suggest definitely getting rid of internet (you can use your local library for free access) and also nix cable, just get the basic free local stations.  Also, if you have a car payment of more than $250, trade it in and get a smaller car (at the least, Kia, Hyundai and Nissan all have cars you can buy and have monthly payments under $250).

    EDIT: I see you asked a question stating you want to adopt a pet.  Pets = unnecessary expenses if you can't even pay the mortgage.

  4. Have you been to there is an act signed by the president recently that will be implemented starting in October of this year.  You should look into it because some banks will take advantage of this you could refinance your house with no fees out of pocket no closing costs or anything.  The act is different than the debt forgiveness act.  I cannot remember of the top of my head what is called but you can access it at the website I gave you.    About the letter just be truth full about the situation you are going thru.  

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