
How can improve my english grammar in writing and speaking?

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I am a spanish speaker but some people on this forums of yahoo answer.. have told me they don't understand my questions, I don't know why but my question is how can I improve my english grammar? I am a mexican student and I live in a small city on the south of mexico.websites or advice? please someone help me




  1. I suggest using grammar books to understand how to speak English properly. Try to listen to spoken English as much as possible (for example, watch TV programs in English) to see how sentences are put together. Pay attention to idiomatic expressions and figurative speech. Once you feel confident enough, you can try conversing in English with native speakers. Practice speaking the language as much as you can and your fluency will gradually improve.

  2. What I do is to read a lot of English books that interest me. Sometimes, I read passages aloud. Reading interesting sites in the internet would also be very helpful.

    I also watch English movies.

    I suggest you buy audiobooks that teach the right pronunciation of words.

    I think that once you improve speaking, it will be easy also for you to write.

    These were just some of the things that worked for me. We all have different learning styles, you see. So it would be up to you on how you want to learn.

    Good luck!

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