
How can individuals withtheir limited resources contribute towards groundwater recharging?

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the threat of depletion of groundwater is looming yet we are unable tomobilise the society .apart from reducing our water wastage,can we in anywhich small way help restore the balance, help in recharge of groundwater,as people get rich,they go overboard in wasting water through gadgets etc. i would like to mobilise through schools small kids in this attempt torecharge groundwater help.




  1. To answer your question: Birth Control

    Kind of a tangent, but I think its worth saying--

    The southwest US is running out of water.  Lake Mead is dropping at a scary rate, and rapid population expansion continues to take place in Vegas, LA, etc...

    LA is completely dependent on water pumped from rivers further east.  Water is running out in the west.  It is only a matter of time...

    A really good book - Cadillac Desert.  A must read for any scientific minded individual.

  2. You really want to make a dent?  Well then you need to get a fund going that will help people replace their leaky faucets, and to purchase water saving devices.  Also, do the dishes by hand, dishwashers are notorious water wasters.  People should also use front loading laundry washers; they use only a third the water, and they clean better.  It would also help if we would stop draining water out of fields and cities.  The worst problem is that we are not allowing water to actually be absorbed back into the aquifers.  Instead we are re-directing it and forcing it into drainage ditches forcing it to become runoff.  Runoff won't drain into the aquifer at the needed rate to do any good.  Instead it will just drain into the sea, where it is of no good to us anymore.  Also, we need to make low-flow toilets less expensive than the old water chugging toilets.  If you have an old toilet you can adjust the float to actually shut off sooner, thus making less water used to flush the toilet.  Also, if you love your shower, which I do.  Then you need to keep it to a ten to fifteen minute maximum.  If at all possible take a bath, you'll save alot more water that way.  See, all these things I have suggested are actually more economic, primarily because so many people live in town and have to pay for their water.  If you live in the country and get your water from a well, then you'll be saving on your costs to pump that water.  Also, don't water your lawn, buy hardier grass that requires less water.  Better to have a brown lawn than have to drill your well deeper.  I live in an area where the aquifer is very close to the surface, and is fed by the great-lakes.  However even they will begin to run low, and we have already seen levels in the Michigan lake begin to drop, since we have had recent droughts, but no one stemmed their water usage.  We need education on a wide scale, not just the children.  We must teach everyone that our aquifers are are vulnerable, and if we keep at the pace we are at then getting water will become increasingly more difficult.  Phenox Arizona has had to drill deeper wells because their aquifer is sinking.  They live in the desert, where the aquifer takes centuries to fill.  If this keeps up the States of Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, and all the great-plain states will go dry in only a century or so.  The aquifer that feeds these states has only one way to be refilled, and that is through water slowly draining through many layers of soil.  Runoff must be eliminated first.  I know feilds are harder to grow in when flooded, but which would be worse?  Less food, or no water?  NE Indiana is a veritable swamp, and yet even we have seen our aquifer drop in the past decade, despite a very low population in comparison to the rest of this nation.  Why is this some may ask?  Ignorance, and Apathy.

  3. quit golfing in the desert

  4. wow good answer!

    i'll just add a bit of out door stuff;

    reduce runoff into drains;

    porous paving instead of tarmac on drives

    rain water diverters to send rain from roof to garden instead of down the drain

    reduce evaporation;

    never water in the day, do it in the evening

    dont overwater

    reduce lawn space, have more mulched flower beds

    dont grow thirsty plants

  5. My father channels all the water from his roof down a well that is no longer usable due to pollution from a nearby landfill.

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