
How can investigators give a proper analysis of a "haunting" or a "paranormal" question?

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I notice on some questions here that some get upset with the answers when they are asking if this is "haunted" or "paranormal".

Do some not realize that with out actually being there to investigate, we can only give an guess to what it is you may have seen, heard or felt? So why be so upset with the answers?




  1. Everyone wants "Instant Gratification"...but paranormal researchers, such as myself, know that it isnt an exact science. It takes learning the history of the area, interviews with victims/participants and alot of temperature/photographic/EMF/audio evidence to come to the conclusion that "something" is out of the ordinary...

  2. >asking if something is haunted over the internet is akin to giving a medical diagnosis over the phone.

    Lith, you have to be the most ignorant person i have heard in years. Do you ever have anything nice to say to anyone? Do you ever give an answer that is not demeaning to the asker?

  3. The proper analysis is to demand proof, and if none is given, to dismiss any claims of paranormal activity as the hallucinations and dreams they are.

  4. I find that researching a place before going there is not the best thing to do.

    Tell someone that a place was used by a mass murderer to cut up his bodies - and you carry that information around with you. This can give rise to other entities latching onto your collective fear - and having enough energy to manifest your fears - thus feeding them more - that's what they rely on.

    It also distorts any kind of psychic links you get. You can't tell where these images come from - so could be a buried dream, being brought up by the similar surroundings.

    I find it's best to ask all the team to just take notes onsite - then compare later to build up a picture THEN compare it to the known data. Some will be way off due to personal reasons, but most will correlate well.

    We try to find any natural reason too. Anything that cannot be explained can be classed as paranormal. Hopefully this too can be explained one day with an increase in knowledge.

    All I can do online is try and offer explanations that we have found in the past, or tips on recording the events for further research.

  5. I agree that on this forum I (nor anyone else) can answer that question. I also don't think it can always be answered by actual investigation either.

    What people can do is give suggestions of normal explanations (sleep paralysis, medical conditions, light reflections, etc.) to allow people to consider if that sounds like a possible explanation for their experience. In this regard I think skepticism is valuable. However, this could certainly be offered in a more positive way than it is by some on this forum.

    I think it valuable to also give possible explanations beyond the normal. For instance information on ESP and other theories that might fit a person's experience could be provided. Again the person must decide for themselves which explanation based on their own experience to accept.

    I also think there is a huge difference between people asking questions to try to find answers about what they may have experienced and people claiming to have proof of the paranormal. Some (not all) skeptics demand proof of people to prove their experiences. Of course they don't have any (as is true of numerous normal human experiences like dreams) and if they had proof then they would have the answer and not being on here asking questions.

    On the other hand if someone comes on here and says they can shape shift or they have water that can cure cancer them demanding evidence is appropriate.

    I personally have only seen people upset with answers when they are told to see a psychiatrist, stop (or start) taking drugs, and their intelligence or personal character is questioned. I think they have every right to both be upset and hit the report button for those type of answers.


  6. Whether investigators can give a proper analysis of a 'haunting' or a 'paranormal' question probaby should precede the one you asked.

    Maybe they can.  I certainly can't say they cannot.  But I can say that I'm not at all convinced, having read a number of the posts here by paranormal investigators.

    On numerous occasions I've seen what appears to me to be pronouncements of what is and what is not where paranormal is concerned.  Seems to me this relies on understandings you are no more capable of having than the 10,000 or so prognosticators, scientists, gurus, mediums, and psychics making similar but conflicting pronouncements about the metaphysical.

    As for your question:  Those who ask you [paranormal investigators] specific questions probably need to give you a reasonable time to answer.  If they get upset, so be it.

  7. How can a proper answer be given?  Like you say, we here on Y!A can't know all the details and so we're in a tough position most of the time.

    There are already good answers posted here, so I'll keep my answer brief. I think the best response to such a question is (1) keep it objective; (2) keep it honest, and (3) keep it polite. The problem is that sometimes the asker might interpret the first two as being impolite. And sometimes it's easy to let sarcasm or condescension slip in.  Communicating via internet is sometimes hard to do.  Oh, and (4) if they get upset after you've done your best, let it go.

  8. well, i no how to give a proper analysis of a haunting. on the show "ghost hunters" they find many supposed hauntings. when they look at it they try to "debunk" it. they find the best possible ways that the "haunting" can happen. sometimes they can't debunk it and sometimes do label it haunted. if they can debunk it, they throw it out. they work hard at trying to debunk these things. so i hope i helped....i guess...

  9. T.R. has it right. We're dealing with unknowns, so don't expect quick, complete answers. The best I can do is: some thing's out there, I don't know what, I'm still looking.

  10. A proper analysis of a hunting or a paranormal question must include a thorough analysis of every relevant factor, including the contradictory.  Such things must not be approached with any kind of ignorance, but an open mind.  In investigation, the ultimate goal is for the investigator to reach a firm conclusion, therefore such person must dig down deep.

    True enough, the only way to truly investigate what is haunted or paranormal is through up close investigation.  Your statement on actually being there is ideal, and for the most part, correct.  Unfortunately, people do become upset with answers because it is not the kind of thing they want to hear.  That is a common human fault; of hearing only what they wish to hear.  But again, one must always keep an open mind to all possibilities, and analyze all things to reveal the truth.

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