
How can it be so hard to verbalise one's feelings?

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I am a reasonably good communicator so I don't quite understand how it is possible for some people to be almost totally incapable or verbalising their feelings/emotions. Does it have anything to do with being less self-aware? And I'm not talking about anyone with disability and therefore unable to communicate, but someone who is quite intelligent.




  1. I dunno whom to trust for expressing myself cos word can kill a person life than a sharp slicing sword.

  2. It's often the fear of being judged or rejected.

    When someone is trying to convey their feelings they always hesitate on their words, and their always revising their thoughts in their heads, because they are afraid that they'll say something stupid.

    that's all, but you can't blame them. Everyone gets scared

  3. It depends on the person. Some people are less aware of their own feelings and emotions. I'm that way, I never know really how I feel. I can't describe my emotions ever, but I am a logical and analytical person.

    Just think like there are a whole sh** load of people in the world...all types too. Just because you know how to verbalize your feelings/emotions doesn't mean every person in the world also knows how to

    P.S. It also depends on the situation. If you are being vague then I stand by what I said before, but if you're being more specific like...relationship-wise, then it could be a lot of other things, trivial or not.

  4. Hi

    there are a lot of possible reasons people don't want to share their feelings/emotions....

    Sometimes it is that they are unaware of the actual feeling they are experiencing, due to role models never explaining or understanding them when the had them, so it is easier to push them under the carpet.

    If you are more worried that they are not sharing them with you personally. well people don't care what you know, a lot of the time, if they don't know that you care first.....and if that trust or non judgement and that you won't take things too personally isn't there, then you actually have not been given the right by them to hear them yet.

    Others find that showing their feelings leaves them in a state of being too vulnerable, like part of their power has been taken away from them, if you know what is going on in their private world. Anger usually results if you push too hard.

    Others have an actual problem communicating and are usually an under communicator with everyone, you just get the end product of everything they  have already sorted out in heir head and you had no part of being any of the the solution.

    Most of all it is good to know that their life is actually theirs and if they choose not to share with you,  that is not actually your problem....there is nothing we can do to make anyone communicate with us unless they are willing to bridge the gap.


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