
How can it be that someone so far away can capture my heart like he does?

by Guest62692  |  earlier

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and i trust my heart in his hands




  1. i kno wat u mean but hey it happens

  2. It’s because somehow, despite the distance, he found a way to be there for you, and make you feel that everything about you counts by listening and showing he cares. Sometimes, it’s strange the way our heart searches for that one particular person though we know that they are far from us.

    They say you can’t teach your heart who to love and I guess our hearts doesn’t really know anything about distance. There is nothing wrong in trying to make things work despite the circumstances but be careful in giving your whole heart and trust especially when you don’t even see each other. After all, you don’t know exactly what he’s been doing.

  3. This is easy, because you have either very limited choices, or have very low self esteem.

  4. i know exactly how you feel.

    i had alot of feelings for my friend in nevada, and i live in michigan.

    depite him being so far away from me, we used to talk every night on the phone and on webcam. he knew all the right things to say, and always cheered me up. (and yes, i really knew him)

    needless to say, we knew it would never work out and we went our seperate ways...but still remain good friends.

  5. I have the same thing going on rite now...I hear ya

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