
How can it be that the liberals hate with a passion, a woman who has been on the national scene for a week?

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How can such a caustic hatred manifest itself after one week of being in the spotlight? And this is even before she b*tchslapped the demorats last night!




  1. The liberals can look at her records and see that she is a typical lying conservative fascist. She keeps touting that she's a hockey mom with her down-syndrome child in tote, and says she'll be there for families with child problems like hers, but as governor she cut programs for needy children. Then you have big pharma in the Repub's behind pockets with all those sweatheart deals that they made with them, and there isn't going to be anyway that those will be eliminated. So, what Palin is talking about has to be just more BS and lies, and the libs don't need more time to evaluate her when she has such a dismal record already to know that she isn't a person for the "people" but just another corporate sock puppet, like McCain.

  2. How can you fall to your knees weeping and gushing praise at the feet of a woman whose existence you weren't even aware of a week ago?

  3. liberals don't "hate" sarah palin, they PITY her because she's such an obvious hypocrite!

    her unwed, pregnant, teenage daughter sure is a good example of conservative republican "family values" inaction.

  4. Because they are scared. She has turned liberals upside down in just one week. For years they cried that women were equal and republicans were sexist. She has turned the tables and now we see that sexism is a liberal trait. She is a strong conservative woman who can relate to many American families. Liberals know there candidate can not claim that they relate better to the average American family more than Palin, when they have a Ivy League grad promising change and then selected a VP who is Washington insider who's son works for lobbyists. She is not a Washington insider and is a real change.

    In just one week she undermined the theme of their campaign and gave us someone who families can relate to and vote for. All that they have left is trying to tie her to Bush and that will be difficult for them because she hasn't been in Washington.  

  5. She has taken the spot light off of Obama - and that's definitely one of their higher regarded sins in this campaign.

  6. Because of what she stands for.

    1.  teaching creationism in schools.

    2.  militant anti-abortion- even in the case of rape or incest.

    3.  veto'ed funding for special needs children in AK

    4.  Against birth control- even for married couples (i.e. pill, condoms)

    this cute chick is serioulsy right winged.  It's not a personal hatred, it's about what she stands for.  Also- she's stated recently in an interview that she hasn't thought much about the Iraq war (although claims it was god's will that we went there),  

  7. I recently read about a study that tried to explain why telling a bad joke resulted in public ridicule or even physical punishment of the joke teller.  The authors of that study said reported that joke listeners often felt insulted that the listener might actually find the joke funny and viewed the joke as a form of condescension.  It seems to me that the selection of Sarah Palin as the ruling party's Vice Presidential Candidate is being viewed as a "bad joke" by many of those who have taken a look at her credentials and her character.  So it very well may be that members of the electorate are feeling condescended upon, thinking "you've got to be kidding me, you think by dangling a 'babelicious gun-toting, pro-Alaska-Secession, freshman governor, stacked to the gills with parental duties she is unable to quite handle, with a penchant for vengeful thinking from a state whose state budget is dependent on federal handouts'  you're going to take my Hillary vote and suddenly induce mass amnesia about an utterly pathological Bush presidency?  Please.  ROFLMAO"  I think that's what's going on.  Sarah Palin seems to me the cheapest of tokens.  And as an avowed pot-smoker, a tokin token at that.  American's have a great sense of humor, but really, we're not THAT funny.  

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