
How can kids make easy money for a digital camera?

by Guest45228  |  earlier

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Im under 16 so i cant get a job... but any ideas are good. anything. like online money making. plz help me!~ thanx




  1. You can babysit, walk dogs, do lawn care, wash cars. You can also talk with your parents about doing additional chores for money or for the camera itself.  

  2. How about the old fashion way--lemonade stands, mowing yards, babysitting, walking dogs, etc.  

  3. 1.Lemonade Stand

    You will need:

    Lemons or Storebaught

    10 plastic cups

    Tips Jar/Money Jar

    A Big Sign with you lemonade stands name on it

    $1 per Lemonade

    2.Bake Sale

    You will Need:

    Fresh baked cookies

    Good Brownies

    Glad Press and Seel to put the goods together and

    Cookie $1

    Brownie $1

    Other $1

    Give them good deals like if they buy 5 or more they get 1 free if you want!


    You will need:

    To clean

    $2 a day for doing this:


    Wiping down tables

    Making Beds

    Cleaning the mirrors and toilet

    and whatever you gaurdian says for you to do

    3. Pet Sit/Walk Dogs

    Go to one of your neighbors houses that lives real close and give them a flyer saying "I will walk your dog for $5" and if they say no go to the next house and remember the adress! lol! after they have said yes go to the park and this is what you need to do this job:

    2 leashes (they are $1 at target)

    2 collors(so the leash could hook on it unless the owners dog already has one)

    Water bowl (so they could have water. And wash it out good) Walk the dog at you local park for 20 min or how ever long the owner wants it. Buy some dog toys for little dogs and medium sized dogs. And for petsitting for $3 an hour and $2 each dog


    2 dogs 4 hours= $16

    get the cheap dog food and feed it and give it water. and take it out for a walk after 20 min when you get the dog(s)

    4.Baby sitting

    You need a toddler a parent in the other room if things go wrong unless you are 12 or 13. Since you are babysitting the person will give you food for the baby like milk but if its like 3 give it a sandwich and juice.make sure they know how to eat it! Make the a bed on your bed and give the choclate milk if the parent says they can and let them watch baby einstein or something and when they fall asleep turn the TV off and leave the room and wait for the parent to get back but if they wake up take them to the park if you have time.


    If your neighbors have a big yard grab the they rake and start raking or mowe lawns. and water flowers

    $5 an hour

    And try

  4. christrmas?

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