
How can kids publish books for free?

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not to make money, just to publish it?




  1. I suggest just making a neat copy and putting it in a spiral bound notebook.  

  2. NOT to make money? are you feeling okay?? i thought the whole point was to make monies?

  3. it wouldn't be free it will cost a little but its not that bad, try this place  

  4. Vanity Press costs money. Publishing the hard way gives you money. Why don't you just try to make money?

  5. there is no free way to do it.  sorry.

  6. No one can publish books for free. If you want to get started as a writer ask your teacher or librarian to suggest good books for you to read. Don't worry too much about learning the rules about English usage, do a lot of reading to see how established writers actually use the language. Sometimes you can submit something you have written to a contest, and if you win, your work may be published. Be very careful about entering a contest which asks you to pay money.  

  7. No-one can do it for free, unless a publisher owes you a massive favor.

  8. In print form, I don't think there is a way. It takes money and machines and supplies to print books, so it requires a revenue and a publishing company.

    If you want to just put a story where people can read it, try

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