
How can life for me become more positive? Why am I so unlucky?

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Everyday something bad or wrong happens to me. Either a family member is upset with me (over something small), or am just a let down (like my nana hates how cheap I am....and I still have the T-shirt from 5th grade....and am 21 years old today) Plus I seem to attract scams, and guys who just want to have s*x with me...I tell them am a virgin and am waiting and get this I was wearing my Publix uniform turn on? Any friends I make are either poor, sad, or even more depressed then me. But when I see other friends hanging out they have money, are laughing ect. anytime I talk to my friends or a total stranger its always bad to the extreme. My life sucks in general and last Christmas...I didn't have one, but my sisters did from their father...when my real father who seen me twice in my life changed his number after it took me a month to find him...he didn't even want me. I am so unlucky its so much I can say, but in general my life is a sad case. And I don't remember once when I was happy....and thats pretty risky.

But I always wanted the life I see others with not mines. Also am tired of the same people no one is ever happy, or making it or anything. Plus I feel like a loser, I don't even know what makes me happy.

Also I no longer watch tv...its been five years since I watched tv. I can't stand seeing rich people get themselves into trouble or successful people on tv acting or whatever. I can't watch the news either its all bad making me feel worse.




  1. u should cut off all ur negative friends they jus cause drama and ppl who r negative, u dont need to be around them at all. jus stay positive say things to yourself to lift ur spirits. forget rich ppl they'll bankrupt and the rich kids will soon learn they aren't gonna be able to do anything becuZ everything was given to them. at least we know how to work and cherish things that is a lesson that will help us go far

  2. I understand where you're coming from. And you are without a doubt going into the first stages of depression. however, from what I hear the problem is mainly based around people around you, and what all they have done to you. Everything eventually adds up together, causing you to feel even lower on yourself.

      But, there is a way to change this. Go out and meet new people. From what you're saying, you don't seem to have any problems handling people, so just go and meet someone. You can usually tell if you can trust someone by their mannerisms and etiquette towards you. if they treat you wrong, just stay away from them. Give them a five minute chance, and if you don't find them trustworthy or worth the time, walk away. There is always someone who is going to listen and treat you right. Find some new friends, and acquaintances. once you've met people who can actually talk to you and understand you're inner emotions, you'll probably feel much better with yourself and everyone around you.

      Hope this helps!


  3. the easiest way that has fantastic proven results is to buy or get from a friend or a library one of the Tony Robbins book's.  He is all about living positively and has very strong logical and supportive approaches that seemed to work.  If you look at his successes, he built a billion-dollar empire primarily around how to feel better about yourself and how to turn your world around.  Personally, I recommend the book Awaken the giant Within

    you would be amazed at what positive thinking can accomplish if done in the appropriate manner. It is not just positive thinking just like a car is not just burning gasoline, things have to be orchestrated in just the right way for the full power to be realized.  In his books, Robbins lays out exactly the strategy needed.  Give it a shot the most you got to lose his $20.  Best of luck to you

  4. sounds like you are suffering from depression and i am so sorry depression is an enemy because it is not from God, for God gives us the spirit of joy, peace and contentment and you don't have any of those. its easy for others to tell you what you should do but until you have experienced this illness you wouldn't know that it is not easy coming out of it because it has become a state of mind so my answer to you is if you have never tried God and has never known him and experienced his love, joy, peace to the fullest i advice you to do it now

  5. Yes you can change your life,, and only you can do it but you don't have to do it alone. Have you tried a group to recover from the episode when you were three. When you gain your power back and take charge of your life you will feel better. The symptom of not feeling in charge of your happiness come s from being hurt and what you learned when you were young. Join a recovery group that will make you feel lkie you are in power. I believe you are powerful! And you can change! Your power has been seet aside while you see unhappiness. Make one good decision today and feel good about it. Meet women who are in control of there happiness and take advise. Look at the website below and maybe you will find a womans group that will help you.

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