
How can look like this girl ''video'' and a ''pic''

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first of all i do have a life but i just want to look like this girl some ppl said u kinda look like her and i still cant belive but i really want to i think she is beautful god bless you guys :):) thanks for not making fun of the question

this is the girl i want to look like

ps. u dont have to wath the vid just see the girl s face

and this me




  1. i don't think you can make yourself look like her, because you guys have totally different features. but you can try..

    straighten your hair and go to the salon and have it cut in layers and side bangs.

    i personally don't like her make-up at all, but if you like that look, wear 5-6 coats of mascara and black eyeliner..  

  2. Well i think your pretty allready but i guess if you straightend your hair and got bangs like a scene hair but or demi lovata stlye

  3. you can maybe try getting shorter bangs that go more across the forehead instead of to the side.

    Also, her hair is straighter, so try using a straightner.


  4. straighten your hair and get bangs and you will look really pretty!

  5. thereis no way you can look like her.

  6. You are a pretty girl and so is the girl you want to look like. But why do you want to look like someone else? That's crazy. You should be pleased with who you are.

    Straighten your hair, cut your bangs and apply makeup. THat's the best you can do.

  7. try straightening ur hair that will make ur hair look more like her's

    and wear some black eyeliner

  8. Well your already really pretty but if you really want to look like her it wouldnt be that hard.

    Straighten your hair and get your hair cut so you have layers and bangs.

    Mess around with some make up. but remember, everyone is different and looks different in the same make up. So you can just put some eyeliner and mascara on and see where that goes.

    She uses alot of eye make up but I dont think you need alot of eye make up because you have really pretty eyes and you dont want people to over look that.

    Have fun but dont over do it.


  9. umm sorry to say this but you look NOTHING like herr! but wanting to look like someone else is so superficial just be yourself you already look pretty but wanting to look like someone else is too much its like changing yourself and if you want the honest truth whoever told you you look like her is just making fun of you so yeah just be yourself girl!!!

  10. umm

    straighten your hair

    get side bangs[[if you dont already have them, i wasnt looking that close.]]


    a little bit of eye liner

    lip gloss

    pretty eyeshadows like light purples.

    and cute clothes from places like delias

  11. try wearing  black eyeliner and masscara. and also get your hair cut like hers or straighten your hair and maybe even lighten your hair.

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