
How can low level ozone damage the ozone layer?

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For years, befor the co2 scare, we were told that pollution (low level ozone) was damaging the ozone layer.




  1. You need to reword your question.

  2. it dose not. although it is a pollutant at low altitudes because of its toxic effects.

  3. It can't?  Ozone has a half-life of 53 days.  It isn't going to get up there in any quantity even if you were to suppose that it was somehow different.  It is not going to convert any gas to chlorine ions because humans don't generate significant CFC's.  It is continuously regenerated so the threat was almost certainly overblown anyway.  Unlike global warming, the consequences of that being true would have really been devastating so I don't really mind them being overly cautious since it didn't destroy economies to rid the world of CFC's.

  4. Low level of ozone cannot do anything to damage the ozone layer.

    BTW, the 'hole' in the O3 layer is cyclical and has been proven to be so by NASA and NOAA.  It is 'closing' right now but will 'open' a bit later this year.  It's a natural thing.  The CFC ban curiously came into being just as the patents for the various formulations of Freon were running out.

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