
How can mccain be a maverick,his first choice for vp was joe lieberman?

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instead he caves in to the evangelical right wing cult,and picks a weak candidate,because they do not approve of lieberman.that is not a maverick leader that is weak pandering.




  1. Picking a candidate without experience like Palin shows McCain's maverick side. She's a mverick like him who puts country (state in her case) first over politics. She fought her own party.

  2. Being a moverick depends on what your personal definition of a maverick is. We conservative don't allow liberals to dictate what is politically correct anymore. For instance: It is politically to correct to use the word ******.  

  3. McCain give up the Maverick name when he choose to run for President this time around.  He sold his soul to the GOP and Rove.

  4. If this is all you have, you might need to do a little more research on your own and not depend on the NYTimes.

    For whatever reason McCain decided on Palin his choice was excellent.

    Obama keeps saying he wants change, yet he chooses someone who is old school, politics as usual  for his running mate.

    As far as Choices. Obama spouts change, yet picks a same o same o. McCain the maverick chose another maverick. More power to McCain for not pandering to  politics as usual.

  5. Awesome, I like Lieberman too, but I think Palin was the better choice.

    McCain / Palin 2008

  6. McCain is considered a Maverick, as he has always crossed party lines, bringing the Republicans and the Democrats together.  No, his first choice for VP was never Lieberman.  That is an out and out lie.  Lieberman and McCain are great friends.  In fact, Lieberman has set up Independents for McCain.  

    Palin began as the President to the PTA, which led her to being chosen as the Mayor of a small city, followed by her stepping into the position of Governor. As such, Palin has had more executive experience that Obama and Biden together. For every week in a position like that of a Mayor or a Governor, she has had to make more decisions than a Senator has to make in a year. Governor Palin has a record of accomplishment that Obama or Biden simply put do not have. Enough said, but there is far more that I could write.

    McCain is brilliant, with a reputation of being a Maverick, looking past gender to the most qualified person with a more than  80 % approval rating and a proven track record.   In Obama's nomination speech he made the argument that if we have Democratic one party rule, our problems will be solved. No, that spells disaster! Think about it. Obama's ability to get his Supreme Court nominations through a Democratically controlled Senate is downright frightening. This would mean a far left Democratic Congress, further left than it is now. They already have earned a 9% approval rating This ties Obama to his Congress, so if a 9% approval sounds good to you, then he is your man, but there will be no change. Has Obama fixed his Chicago Crime Machine? Palin got rid of the corruption in Alaska.  She is also considered a Maverick in her own right. Try googling Obama and his opinions on infanticide. Everyone should do that, regardless of your stance on pro life and pro choice.  When they win, Washington will be put on notice.  These two Mavericks will  shake up and fix what is broken in.Washington. They are the real change, the change I am looking for.  Obama is more of the same kind of pork bellied Congress.

  7. He was smart enough to know that picking someone so liberal would be suicide.

    It's a good thing that "Mr. Change" Obama was dumb enough to pick an old white guy.

  8. LOL.  How do you know?

    ADD:  I think anyone that believes the NY Times at this point is fooling themselves.  They have been proven to be a source with an agenda that twists facts.  And how would the NY Times know what is in McCain's head for that matter?  Do you think he told them that?  Sorry, but I think basic common sense is a better source.


  9. The evangelical right wing would not pick a woman. Gov Palin is a true maverick choice.

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