
How can me and 2 of my friends make money for school clothes shopping ?

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hi me and two of my friends need school clothes shopping plz no gimmicks i dont want to do any surveys





  1. The easiest and fastest way would be to sell a bunch of stuff on eBay. Look around your house to find some things you no longer need. Here is a good and free article about how to effectively make a lot of money by selling on eBay:

    Good luck!

  2. >great for extra cash!


  3. Maybe you can wash cars or sale candy at your local church.

  4. Why not group together as a team?

    Time to be inventive:

    My suggestions to you:

    Make up flyers and pass them around in your neighborhood.

    Offer to do whatever work it is you want to do, such as :

    Pass out Flyers, Computer work, Babysit, Clean Garages, Organize Cupboards, File Papers, Wash Cars, Mow Lawns, Pull Weeds, Tutor the neighbors kids, Walk/wash Dogs, Dog sit, Clean the Pool, Assist the elderly, whatever...

    Post first whatever it is you want to do or are good at ...

    You should keep your options open and make a decision after the persons call you instead of not giving them many reasons to call.

    Say on the flyer you are a student and are available on Saturdays

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