
How can me and my group, show the importance of not littering..?

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for a project.

what can we do do tell people not to litter...i was thinkin about going to a primary school and teaching the little kids....

any ideas?

easy points guys!!




  1. well show them that one day we'll all get trapped in the litter and never get out lol that should teach  'em

  2. OOOh this is a great project! And I like the idea of going to a primary school and teaching the little kids. So you could...

    1- When you go there, take a day's worth of garbage from roads around their school And put it in a big bucket. And this should probably be lot. Put something big next to it too show how much garbage it really is. Maybe like "this is a enough garbage to pack 5 bus fulls"

    2- Whoever you have to show, take them on a walk around the school and look at all the garbage. and have them PHYSICALLY pick up all the trash that people are throwing out their windows. While your walking, teach everyone some facts you've learned. LIke that "(your state) Makes about (whatever amout of money) dollars a year on littering tickets. This equals (insertnumber) tickets all together."

    -Make a power point presentation.Go to different highways and film yourself pointing out trash and stuff. Survey other people that you meet randomly and ask them about how they feel about littering, YOu can make a powerpoint/video about how littering is bad.

    So good luck! You can pretty much combine all three too, which would be good actually. Like start with number 2 by having the kids walk around town picking up garbage. Then go to number 1, and ask the school if you can use their buses and stuff all the garbage into one full bus. Or just show the mass amount of garbage bags you got. Then go to 3, and show a powerpoint you previously made.

    GOooo luck!

  3. create a time lapse model of a city street (you can use shoe boxes) going from clean to dirty

  4. Show just one person dropping just one little cup on the sidewalk.  Its just one cup, come-on, how much could that hurt?  Pan out to a street full of crappy garbage.  Voice over:  All this garbage was dropped here one piece at a time."  (Get some rats in the video if you can.  You want to gross people out.)

  5. just tell how it can kill (animals, plants, even us) and how the trash is thrown in dumps where it is just buried underground and gives off bad chemicals. use posters, actual pictures, or videos of things that happen

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