
How can memorize a 50 line monologue in about 2-3 days? help!?

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its an assignment for romeo and juliet

its act 5 scene 3

its the death scene


im scared and i cant memorize this stupid assignment






  1. Just take it everywhere with you, read it over and over and will just stick in your mind. Test yourself...and don't panic about how much time you've got!

    I Wrote a 2 page monologue and had it memorized over night.

    While you are lying in bed, or along in a quiet place, run through it in your head and make a mental note of the bits you need to work on and remember.  

    Lots of people panic about having to remember lines, but just relax, its not really that hard. You just need to focus and DON'T PANIC!!


    Oh, and if its a thing that the whole class has to do, don't be afraid...everyone is in the same boat as you!

  2. Haha Romeo and Juliet is funn.

    Try making it into a song.

    Or rehearsing it with someone and just have fun with it. :D

  3. 50 lines for 3 days??????????????? you have plenty of time. I had to memorize a scene from Twelfth Night and i did it in 2 hours. plz answer mine;...

  4. ooo!!!!i have that memorized...

    act it out and make sure you have the words the movements...everything memorized.  its easier to learn if you act it out while learning it b/c then it goes down in you head easier...

  5. Get up off the chair, walk around with the script, act it out, and get your body into it. Gesticulate wildly. Speak the words, or yell them as appropriate. Get your body involved, it's your best friend.

    Dance with it.

    Rinse, lather, repeat.

    This system works.

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