
How can men debate women when they use EMOTION as their main point?

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As a man, I try to use logic and reason when I debate someone. Whereas women tend to use emotion and "feelings" to describe their points. How do you debate someone when their entire point of reference is based on intangible and subjective feeling?

And a secondary question:

Do you think girls intentionally use emotion (sort of as a "race card", but in this case a "feelings card") when their arguments are weak? As a way to bulk up their arguments with totally unsubstanciated adn unverafiable "evidence".




  1. use emotion as main point is a weapon to who wants to win

  2. please don't lump ALL women into one neat little box.  I tend to use logic over emotion because my emotions are always held in check - it's just easier for me.  As to your second question, I think if a female was losing the debate, she might pull out the 'feelings card' but again, some of us are confident enough to acknowledge defeat and if convinced, appreciate learning something new.  

    My complaint about the way men debate, is that when they're losing ground, they'll retreat way back to whatever point was their last "winner" clinging to it and hitting you over the head with it - as if their very life depended on it.  I've never met one secure enough to acknowledge defeat - their egos are too inflated and fragile I guess.

  3. When you say "debate" - do you mean competitive speech/ debate (ex. Lincoln-Douglas or CX debate) or do you mean just in general talking about various issues.  

    A clarification would be great.

  4. Feelings can be very tangible, for example when speaking of issues of morality, psychology, and philosophy. You can't generalize what most women do; maybe just most women who you end up debating with. I've met many irrational people of both sexes, and there are less rational people than rational of either s*x. If you're somewhat prejudice, then it might be easier for you to notice when a female is making an argument based on emotions. Regardless, emotions are real and should be part of every argument, unless it's an argument about math, chemistry, biology, or something that's black and white. Few subjects have 0% gray area.

  5. Well that would be a stereotype against men and women, as not all men use logic and not all women use emotion to argue their points :-)

  6. Speaking as a woman, if someone presents me with a reasonable debate then I will respond to it to the best of my ability with logic and verifiable evidence to back my claims up. If a question is solely an opinion that provides no real means of arguing then I give my opinion and I mix it with facts and emotion. If a topic is clearly conjecture then I either don't answer or give and equally stupid response back.

    At some point or another all PEOPLE will use some feeling to support their claims.

  7. The same argument can be used against men.  How can women have a logical conversation with men, when they are dominated by their second head?

    EDIT: You based the argument on gender, so I answered your question using gender as an argument also.  If it's justified to put all women under the same umbrella of being ruled by emotions, I don't see why we can't use the same argument and put all men under the same umbrella of being ruled by testosterone.  How can both not be equally valid?j

    Sounds like you get emotional when the same argument is used against you lol.

    EDIT II: And I said the same "can" be used against men.  You didn't say "some people" you said "some women" :)  

    Why are you getting emotional though and generalizing me with the forum and everybody else instead of arguing the actual point? :)  What does the forum and your assumed judgement on the personality of the person has to do with the actual argument?

  8. Yes, I agree: "How do you debate someone when their entire point of reference is based on intangible and subjective feeling"

    like your unsupported, daft rant.


    "A speech or piece of writing that incites anger or violence"

    which is precisely what your unsupported, insulting, rhetorical question is intended to do.

  9. I'm not sure as to what you mean by "using emotion". It sounds to me more like you don't like hearing different or opposing viewpoints so you are quick to dismiss them by saying the person uses emotions and "feelings" to describe their points. I don't use emotions or feelings. Instead, I use arguments  based on my age, race, life experiences, level of education, and how much I know of the subject. Since I am very likely older than you are and have had different life experiences, of course I am going to have different views than you do. It has nothing to do with emotions.

  10. "As a man, I try to use logic and reason when I debate someone. Whereas women tend to use emotion and "feelings" to describe their points."

    You might want to try harder. That's quite a sweeping generalization you're buying into. Doesn't sound very logical to me.

  11. Hee! Exactly!  You're a smart guy...but you won't ever win!

  12. There are two distinctly different genders. It behooves one of those genders to have emotions and feelings, besides common sense!

  13. If someone, male or female, is using "emotion" as an argument then they really aren't arguing.  I know many men who also do this so don't think it's just limited to women.

    If you present an argument and they fail to respond in a logical way (it doesn't have to agree with your viewpoint to be logical), then they aren't really debating with you and you should stop discussing the issue with that person.  That person is not mentally capable of having an argument on that subject if they resort to "emotion."

  14. 1. Dont try. Its like trying to reason with a rock. Useless!

    2. They are cry babies that do not have sense of responsibility for their own actions.

  15. that a pic of you?

    you look like a pompous @ss.

    im 29...and my mother is dead.

  16. i can use both

    ho hum

    btw if i thought this was a serious question i'd actually give you a serious answer, but it seems to me that it's just an attempt at getting an emotional response

  17. It's the same as trying to argue with a child if they just go into an emotional frenzy.  

    The problem is that many women only care about their own feelings and base everyone off of that.  Nobody else's feeling or thoughts matter in their self delusional state.

    Not all women, just the majority.  Still, I blame the parents and media.

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