
How can meterologists go to where a hurricane hits and not get killed? You see them forecasting;?

by  |  earlier

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from the beach and they don't get killed or hurt.




  1. I think they do a lot of "stand ups" outside when the wind is starting to blow and looks really strong, or the first bands of rain are hitting and the clouds are rolling in, but by the time the winds hit hurricane force and things like that they are usually in shelters. The satellite trucks can not function in midwestern thunderstorms, let alone hurricanes due to lightning. I think some of them are recorded before it gets really bad and then they show them later on tape. But I think a few have gotten hurt a little, but I've never heard of one getting killed.

  2. They only forecast live outside while it is safe to be outside, as soon as it is unsafe, they head indoors to shelter.

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