
How can modern poetry be differentiated from 19th century poetry?

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How can modern poetry be differentiated from 19th century poetry?




  1. for one we word things alot differently now and the meanings of some words have changed and or have new meanings but it all ends up meaning the same in the end you cant take away the human element we still feel the same way we did then our perspectives are a lil different and the world has grown in many ways so i think to some degree its changed sand to some degree its remained the same

  2. This sounds like a homework question, so here's a starting point:

    Nineteenth century poets wrote almost exclusively in form (according to the formal rules of a poetic type - sonnet, lyric, ballad, blank verse etc). Most poems utilized a specific rhyme scheme and meter (such as iambic trimeter or pentameter)  throughout.

    Modern poetry is often (but not exclusively) written in free verse, meaning that the poem is not organized according to a rhyme scheme or meter throughout. Such poems relies on internal organization, such as sound patterns or thematic connections, for structure.

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