
How can move out of the US with only $2,000?

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does anyone know where i can work? where would be a good city to move?? Please only answer if you have an idea. Please NO discouragement i know this is a crazy idea...but I'm desperate.

What about Singapore? Does anyone know specific places that are hiring around the world....??




  1. I think you need to be a little more specific. Move to anywhere in the world? That's too broad of a question.

    Your answer would depend on what type of job you're qualified for, what languages you can speak, and what  type of person you are... In general, I think $2,000 could be enough, it just depends on where you want to go. In your example, a one-way flight to Singapore would cost you almost $700, and Singapore isn't the cheapest city to live in, especially with the low relative value of the US Dollar against Asian currencies.

    Mexico or South America could be good options. You could teach English.

    By the way, you say that you are very desperate and you want to know places that are hiring anywhere "in the world". Are you a fugitive? :)

  2. Do like just about everyone that comes to this country.  Just cross the broader and find a job.  The 2,000 puts you ahead of most.

  3. Most foreign countries require you to have an employment visa to work there.  They don't allow foreigners to simply waltz in and get a job.  

  4. How can we recommend a job when we do not even know your profession or degrees?   I am not trying to discourage you, but you need to have that first.

    You will also need to obtain the position before you move, you will not be allowed to get a visa anywhere without employment.

  5. You'd be wise to have more money saved, and have the proper visas and working papers for the country you want to move to, before trying to move

  6. What skills or attributes do you have? What languages to you speak? What education do you have? How good are you at making friends? If you are a girl can you take care of dicey sexual situations?

    Most countries only allow you to stay for 90 without a visa. Many places won't let you in without evidence of a return ticket. Be careful not to work without a permit.

    How desperate are you? A western girl can make good money as a "dancer" or "hostess" if she is attractive and "co-operative," but you must be careful that management pays you properly and you keep the money in a reputable bank. Use protection at all times. Never surrender your pasport.

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