
How can my WiFi signal reach farther away?

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I live in a back house and there are 2 wireless routers in the main house, one is a 2Wire Gateway and the other is a Linskys with an antenna on it. It usually says i recieve about 2 bars of signal which is like around 18-24 Mbps and it says Low on my computer signal strength. Is there anything i can buy that can make me receive a better signal? If there is can you please write down the name of the brand or item and cost or if you have any ideas please let me know thank you. Also I'd say there is about 40 ft. of distance between me and the router which isnt much about the distance of 2 rooms. Thank you for the help much appreciated.




  1. you can buy a range extender (linksys wireless booster), to boost your wireless strength, it's a small device and easy to keep in a place  between your wireless router and laptop.

    other option, buy a network range wireless router.. I would Suggest Linksys N range routers.. it's more powerful. (eg: WAG300N , WAG325N , WAG610N. AWG 160N)

    or you can buy an access point.. and lay a cable from current wirless router to access point.. and you will recieve wireless signal from access point..

    * or is it possible for you to keep your current wireless router in middle  of your Main house and back house.. would help you..



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