
How can my boyfriend sneak in while my parents could come home at anytime?

by  |  earlier

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Should I call them at the party and say, "My sister wants to know what time you'll be home," even though she's out too? What can I ask to find out what time they'll be home?




  1. This is not a good idea for several reasons too long to go into here.

    I can only suggest you don't sneak but keep your relationships away from home until your parents allow you to do otherwise.

    I am sure that later on in life you will thank them a thousand times.

    Best wishes. UK

  2. You're going to get caught eventually.  Just leave it for another night or come up with a very good escape plan. But decide whether it's worth getting caught to you.

  3. As a parent myself, if one of my children called fishing for a return time, I'd lie to you and come home early.

  4. Keep thinking that way!.....You'll get caught.

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