
How can my dad become my official boxing coach and get a license?

by  |  earlier

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So I have a gym at my house with everything I need, my brother is my sparring partner and my dad is my coach but I'm trying to get my dad to get me into boxing tournaments, but he can't because he is "not a licensed coach". So how can he become a "licensed coach"?




  1. contact the aau or ask another coach who has fighters getting into tournaments.i didnt know they actually needed a license ,he might just have to pay a fee for something like a permit or something .i would just find a boxing club around and ask the coach there what needs to be done.i boxed out of a basement as a kid,and dont know if the coach had license or not but he got us into tournaments . im thinking you might have to give your home gym a name and have your dad and gym registered somehow.

  2.  should tell you what you need to know or at least get you on the right road...good luck

  3. Check with the boxing commission that covers the area where you live about the licenses. I somewhat surprised because most of the so-called "trainers" are not licensed.

    There are licenses for seconds that can work the corner.

  4. to become a licenced coach he has to be registered to ther sporting body that controlls boxing as a coach, this is hard if he dosent teach at a club, the best cause of action would be to join a boxing club and train at home, this way by inpresing the people at the club with your skills and technique they will put you through intp tornaments and fights. hope this helped. good luck x

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