
How can my daughter join a gymnast team? Does it cost to join? Where are the teams located?

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My daughter is 14 and she loves to tumble. I can't afford classes so the only way she keeps up is via cheer leading. During the summers she visits our home town St. Louis where she performs with Circus Flora and at the City Museum. She has performed with children from Israel and other places. I think she deserves a chance at something she enjoys. She is also an A B student in school. Mostly A's but overall she is a great student.




  1. Have you tried looking into the YMCA if your area has one?  They offer gymnastic programs and they also offer scholarships to people that are lower income so if you get the scholarship you wouldn't have to pay for her classes.

  2. yay a team cost alot my friend is a gmynast 200 a week and you have to have experince 6 years you have to be atlest level 7 wich is past tumbeling like knowing bars jumping of bars  

  3. ask your local gymnastics places? or something. if she is good at tumbling then she would probably be accepted / put on a team. =]]  

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