
How can my father ever go home to Jesus in peace with all of these America-hating Democrats around?

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Him and my late mother survived the Great Depression, he served this country and defeated n**i Germany during the second world war under General George S. Patton and he gets to live his last days in misery as he watches, which he has done for the last forty five years, his nation fall into moral and economic decay thanks to the liberal social and tax policies of ilk such as Pelosi, Reed, Kennedy, the Clinton's, Biden, Byrd, Schumer, Boxer, Fienstein, Obama etc. ad nauseum. It's almost more than this child of the "Greatest Generation" that was born the last year of the baby boom can stomach. The more I see my father hurt over all of this mess in the last years of his life the more I thouroughly detest, loathe and despise anything that has to do with the Democrats.




  1. Oh spare me the histrionics. The president who saw us to victory in world war II was a democrat.

    Let him die happy knowing that.

    I'm getting really tired of this greatest generation garbage. They gave us the welfare system you know... I imagine you never reflected on that.

  2. America is not in moral and economic decay. If you believe this, do you love America like I do. I love America for its democracy. The power of America is the ability of all Americans to change the direction of the country.

  3. Politics has nothing to do with God. Get over yourself.

  4. Are you kidding me??  Im playing the smallest violin for you and your father...  

  5. So you further your own brand of hate with these type of posts. Hypocrite.

  6. Detest, loathe, and despise huh?  You know people like like you on either side of the political spectrum are the reason that partisan politics have gotten so ugly in this country.  You vote for and support the extreme wings of your party, destroying the middle and that results in misery for all of us.  

    I'm sure your father will be fine.  Jesus doesn't care how we vote.

  7. I can hardly imagine how alienated the remaining members of "The Greatest Generation" must feel.

    The Nation they were born and raised in, then fought and died for,, is gone in everything but name.

    It is esp. sad it is being done by a party that claims to be same one that produced F.D.R.

  8. Apparently you're unaware of who has been in charge for the last 7.5 years.

  9. What are you talking about?  Since 1980, we've had 2 Reagan, 1 Bush, 2 Clinton, and 2 Bush terms.  That's  20 years of GOP rule since 1980 and 12 of the Dems.  The GOP has been running things for quite some time and for you to act like the dems have been deciding policy is delusional.  The policies of Obama?  What policies?  What has Obama done that has your father so sad?  The tax policies were completely changed under Reagan for the better of big business and the wealthy and have not been changed back.  What in the world are you talking about?  If you're upset by the current situation, blame the one's running things...the in the world you blame the dems is beyond me.  Tell your dad to turn off the TV if he's in such 'misery'.  Give me a break.

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