
How can my fiance adopt my child from a previous relationship?

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The biological father is not involved in her life, does not pay support, and did not sign the birth certificate. I have been with my fiance since I was 2 months pregnant, and he plays the complete roll of father, financially and emotionally. I live in the state of Michigan also.




  1. I live in Michigan also, and my husband adopted my 2 kids from a previous relationship.  First, you have to be married for at least one year (they will let you apply shortly before your first anniversary).  Will the biological father voluntarily give up his parental rights?  If so, the process is very easy - you just have to fill out a bunch of paperwork, have a home visit from a social service worker, and go to court for a confirmation hearing.  If the biological father will not sign over his rights, then you have to fight to have them terminated, which can be tough.  If he has not had any contact (visits, phone calls, etc.) or paid child support for a period of 2 years or more, then the court will considered him to have abandoned the child and they will terminate his rights.  If not, you will have to prove that it is in the best interest of the child for the court to terminate his parental rights, which is hard but can be done.  Good luck!

  2. You for one would have to be married first... In ohio you have to wait a year after your married to adopt a step-child, this could also be the case in michigan... even though he has been there. Also I know that in Ohio, you cannot have any contact with the father for a length of ONE YEAR, this includes child support... even bumpin into one another at the grocery store (stupid yes, but true) OR you could get the bio father to sign his rights over, which is much harder sometimes than it sounds. good luck....

  3. The quickest, easiest, cheapest way is to add his name to the birth certificate.  Wait until after your married to make the change though.

    God bless!

  4. First, you have to get married. Then you need a lawyer.  Then you have to have the biological father sign off on his rights.  Some states have a time limit (like you have to be married 4 months to 1 year before stepparent can adopt).  If bio father will not sign off, then the court will give him a time period to start making child support payments. Courts are not stupid. Some mothers deliberately keep father away playing manipulative games and then lie in court.  

    You could have avoided all of this had you married before your child was born.  MelW's suggestion is illegal btw.  Just in case you didn't know.

  5. Go see a lawyer.  I think the biological father has to give up all his rights before your fiance can adopt.

  6. You have to be married, and get the father to sign off on his rights as a parent. Then its just like a regular adoption. They come and see how you are as a family, check references, and look at your debt to income ratio.

    My cousin just went through this last year.

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