a memorial of sorts for our deceased parents {he lost both his mom and dad and I lost my dad}; I was thinking of having three seats open at the family reserved table and having a poem that I created posted on the chairs {not real big/about the size of our invitations}; and then he and I just before the toasting saying a little something that I also created and placing a single rose on each of the chairs ~ he doesnt want to do that because that will bump 3 people off the reserved family table, he wants to instead go with my entire idea but instead give the rose to a surviving family member, for instance he would give his two roses to his daughter and I would give my rose to my mother, I aint to keen on that idea at all, then his co-worker says we should have a separate table near the family reserved table {empty of course} then do the whole thing I described above, I aint to keen on that either, I'm ready to just say forget it, I want to honor his parents and my father but we have just so much time in this facility and we have other things to do as well before the night is done.....Whew!!!! anyone with any ideas of how we can do this successfully.....Thanks